Coyote attack

I might try making a little shelf in the box closer to his neck height to promote self feeding. I was planning to mix up some plain yogurt with his ground up grain ration that he was on (broiler grower) along with some mashed boiled egg yolks. I'm hoping this will go down easy and be easy to digest.

Now that he's eating I guess I'll start administering the penicillin. Should I also continue with neosporin topically?
The coyote I chased off (hoping there is only one) didn't look very big. We have a raccoon live trap that might work if he isn't too smart for it. I also need to get the electric fence fired up again. The fence hit several big dogs (including a great dane) that came to visit and they were NOT happy. I'm sure a coyote wouldn't like it much either. In the summer the grass grows up and shorts it out really fast though.
Also can you combine penicillin and Duramycin/Terramycin together as a tag team/full on attack all at once so to speak? and what administration would be best (time and if I should introduce the Duramycin/Terramycin after giving the shot). Thank you so much for your help! Before today I'd only had to capture the birds when they escaped. I'm terrified of the small dinosaur decedents, rather huge birds of prey so to speak (pardon the Trek ref).
No. Don't combine them. Use one or the other. If you have the penicillin, gave it a shot with no difficulty, continue for 4-5 more days, alternating sides of the breast to prevent soreness. It is important to use a new needle or clean it thoroughly in alcohol after each use. Make sure all alcohol is pushed out of the needle after cleaning. Do the same with the syringe. Then drop the syringe in boiled water for a minute, remove it and dry it with a lint free tissue or q-tip. Store in a clean receptacle until you use it again.

Water dispersible powders are much easier, and if you want to use them, wait at least 12 hours after the last shot of Pen before giving treated water. Most birds don't like the bitterness of tetracyclines, so what I've done in the past is add cranberry juice to the water. The vitamin c also assists the absorption of tetracycline antibiotics.

I know what you mean about turkeys. Big difference in dealing with such a big bird compared to a chicken.
I might try making a little shelf in the box closer to his neck height to promote self feeding. I was planning to mix up some plain yogurt with his ground up grain ration that he was on (broiler grower) along with some mashed boiled egg yolks. I'm hoping this will go down easy and be easy to digest.

Now that he's eating I guess I'll start administering the penicillin. Should I also continue with neosporin topically?
A small amount of Neosporin is fine. Just don't gob it on so air can't get to the healing tissue. You can wait on the Pennicillin if you like. It is a good sign that the bird is eating and getting fluids. Go easy on the heat as you don't want the bird to get uncomfortable. Keep us posted on the bird's behavior and appetite, and we'll go from there. You are both doing a great job.
So they have 2 kinds of Neosporin cream or petroleum based. We have both.

Neosporin Plus Pain Relief, Maximum Strength, First Aid Antibiotic Cream


Neosporin First Aid Antibiotic Ointment (petrol based)

Which one would be better? I use the cream personally on scabs or cuts because it lets wound breathe and absorbs quickly. The ointment is masking and is more of a barrier. I know you said to make sure it breathes. The turkey is only eating from a syringe consistently, though has mouthed spoon formula stuff with yogurt:

Yogurt paste:
2tbs Kaytee Pet Birds Exact baby formula
3tbs ground to powder turkey feed (his normal feed)
1/4tsp calf manna ground to powder
1/2c nancy's nonfat organic yogurt with live cultures
2tbs tap water

Then tried to feed with small plastic picnic spoon, didn't feed well. Tried open tipped syringe and he gobbled it and made a mess trying to down it all. Washed off with small tip syringe and water. He seems happy and is actively observant. He likes me better it seems (sole feeder today). He voraciously feeds on my syringe more so than Bf (my perspective - I also have been perfecting it all day).

Letting him rest now. Just concerned about antibiotic maintenance.

Also wondering about securing the other turkey. Pic of pen:

Any ideas on securing. Currently bf is prepping the electric fence, though the turkeys have taken to trying to roost and climb on it. Turkey deterrent? I also have been collecting my own urine (awkward) and sprinkling it in the pen and around the pen to deter coyotes and other predators. We do have a rat problem as well, the cat is afraid of everything so she's no help with that.

I took a closer look at the healthy turkey we have (2 of 2) and noticed how his windpipe follows the sweeping S curve of his neck right down the front. The injured turkey's neck is significantly more crooked, and his windpipe winds around to the back until down past his feathers before working it's way back around front. His neck is definitely messed up.

I'm also wondering about nerve damage, the right side of his face is definitely red and inflamed but sometimes when he calms down and some of his skin turns ashy white again, it's exactly half of his face that goes white, split right down the middle, even down the middle of his tiny snood. I'll try to get a picture, it looks really odd.
Neosporin ointment is the better of the two for your bird. Stay away from using benzocains on birds. It can really irritate them. Great job with the feed mixture. If you get him back to eating and drinking on his own, and you still suspect damage to the neck, you could always have an avian vet examine it. I admire your compassion. The question is quality of life. You will make the right decision. The yard is attractive, but I take the Fort Knox approach to building yards with 6' fence of thick gauge woven wire. Many predators will work on chicken wire until they can get through it. I wire the top of the run too. I've dealt with hawks, coyotes, coons, foxes and bobcats. There's always the risk on range unsupervised, but when you can't range, much peace of mind comes from knowing predators cannot break in your fenced poultry yard.
Thanks again for all your help, it's very much appreciated. I'll continue to post significant progress as he makes it.
This morning he looks happy and alert. I spent the night over here with the intention of waking up every 2 hrs to check on him, blankets were too warm and failed to do so. Walked to the garage with bf at 6am where he's got his box and heat lamp (was off all night). He greeted us with bobbing head and looking over the edge of the box. He is alert and active. He knocked over his water trough in the night. Yesterday evening he tried to flap out of the cage when I had to refill the syringe at one point in his hunger for more food.

Mixed up some more yogurt paste and bf spilled it on edge of box by accident. While I was making coffee in next room, bf was with Tom and apparently Tom was pecking the wall to eat the spilled mixture, though he is having issues with spoon feeding and bowl feeding. When I came back, Bf tried again with spoon. Tom was nashing on the spoon! We put up a rabbit waterer last so he could self drink, he seems to think it's a syringe so it isn't working when he mouths the entire nozzle. I'm going to go get a roller ball head so he can mouth it like a syringe and drink from it. The afore mentioned style should work, do you think?

Concept for mouthing device:
Pet Top Combo Pack Portable Water Bottle Drinking Adaptor for Pets

But he seems happy and active. He pecked my hand again this morning. I'll have to post the cut I got yesterday when he tried to eat my hand! He peeled my skin! He's doing better. He's trying to bob over the edge to get more food. I'm really hopeful! I'm of the mind that if he wants to live, he's going to. All you need to do is provide him resources and tools to fuel his fight! Gooooo TOM! or Beat the **** out of this injury Rocky Balboa style!! All we need is him to battle and get some more spunk so he can either become self sufficient to eat on his own and maybe beat the **** out of the next guy, even if it's just an evil eye.

For now, my inspiration when thinking of his care:


Btw I suck at forums and such. Pardon my ineptitude at responding and quoting.... argh! Btw I'm a big morning person so ignore the over the top pep, mostly natural but added excitement from Tom helps too...

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