Cozy Brooder Habitat

I'm huge on reviews, and that has zero. Not saying that means it's not good though.

If you're going to be buying chicks often, or hatching out your own, it might be prudent to build your own brooder. Regardless, there are some good ideas here for simple ways to brood chicks.

Good luck!
Chicks poop A. LOT. I can't see the water thing staying clean and you'd constantly have to be taking that out to clean it.

Me, if they are going to be inside, I'd provide a heating pad cave or brooder plate.

They only need one warm spot to get warm then roam around to food/water. Food/water needs to be in the cool part of the brooder.

You want chicks to move about just like they would with a Mama Hen, they don't stand under her all the time to eat/drink, they get under her to take little naps, warm up then off they go to explore, eat/drink and play.

Imho, it's not something I wound consider using.
Thank you! Just the advice I needed. I figured y’all would notice things someone new to chicks wouldn’t notice.


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