Cream Legbar cockerel or pullet



In the Brooder
Nov 13, 2024
Hello, new to the group and chickens.
I ordered from Feather lover farms out of California, never again. Here’s my story, I ordered 3 cream legbar female chicks, paid a hefty price for them. (Since then found a hatchery within driving distance that I plan to use from now on). One was DOA. They only sent 3 too. Normally hatcheries throw in an extra for that reason. Got 2, managed to keep them alive. I absolutely love them, both are so sweet. I think they sent me a rooster. They are now six weeks. I’m posting pictures if anyone can help. I can’t have roosters. I can re home him but I love my legbars! Not happy at all if she turns out to be a he. Thank you for your support.


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Call them and pitch a fit. I get sexing errors for vent sexing other breeds, but cream leg bars are color sexable at hatch. In your first picture he is very obviously a cockerel and anyone working at a hatchery with a pair of working eyeballs would have seen that.
Yes, sorry for the bad experience! It is a cockerel. Cream Legbars are an auto-sexing breed, so it should have been apparent at hatch. I hope you have better luck with your next chicks/hatchery!
I’m thinking about getting him fixed because I want to keep him, I love him, he’s part of my family now. Is that possible?
Call them and pitch a fit. I get sexing errors for vent sexing other breeds, but cream leg bars are color sexable at hatch. In your first picture he is very obviously a cockerel and anyone working at a hatchery with a pair of working eyeballs would have seen that.
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That’s what I thought. They don’t respond to my emails and don’t have a working phone number. I went to the BBB and filed a complaint. Thank you!
I’m thinking about getting him fixed because I want to keep him, I love him, he’s part of my family now. Is that possible?
Well there is a process called caponizing that essentially does this, but I don't think it's very practical and finding someone to do this would be fairly difficult I would think. It also doesn't stop or prevent them from crowing, and only would keep them from fertilizing eggs.

So far I haven't heard of any ways to keep a rooster from crowing that are very humane or worth recommending. I'm so sorry! Hopefully you can find a good home for him.
Well there is a process called caponizing that essentially does this, but I don't think it's very practical and finding someone to do this would be fairly difficult I would think. It also doesn't stop or prevent them from crowing, and only would keep them from fertilizing eggs.

So far I haven't heard of any ways to keep a rooster from crowing that are very humane or worth recommending. I'm so sorry! Hopefully you can find a good home for him.
I have heard that as long as it is done before they reach sexual maturity and before they start crowing there is a good chance it will prevent the crowing. Is that true?

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