Cream Legbar cockerel or pullet

A charge back will be more effective, this guy is a regular con artist, he should be in prison.

Yes, but no. It will sterilize him but he'll still crow and act out. There's also a large chance of him dying under the surgery (with no anesthetic) that's why it's only does on meat birds, where it doesn't matter if they die or not. He's too young to really guage his personality, it will be better to rehome him. I'm sorry.

Charge back. This guy is a known crook.
Ugh, wish I had done more research before purchasing.
Hello, new to the group and chickens.
I ordered from Feather lover farms out of California, never again. Here’s my story, I ordered 3 cream legbar female chicks, paid a hefty price for them. (Since then found a hatchery within driving distance that I plan to use from now on). One was DOA. They only sent 3 too. Normally hatcheries throw in an extra for that reason. Got 2, managed to keep them alive. I absolutely love them, both are so sweet. I think they sent me a rooster. They are now six weeks. I’m posting pictures if anyone can help. I can’t have roosters. I can re home him but I love my legbars! Not happy at all if she turns out to be a he. Thank you for your support.
That's definitely a roo, judging by the feathering and the comb size.

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