Cream Legbar Gender??? Please help

Walt White

In the Brooder
Sep 14, 2023
Hi Everybody,

Hello from Ireland. I need some help sexing my cream legbar chicks.

I hatched 2 and it looks to me like both have the markings of being female. Both have well defined (I think) chipmunk markings and both have eyeliner.

Both however also have yellowish white spots on their heads that would indicate they are males. They are now 4 days old.

Advice welcome.

Those both are "lightly colored" in my opinion, our Pullets were very dark and no head spots as well.
This is my first experience of Cream Legbars so not sure how dark is dark. They guy I got the eggs from says 1 is a cockerel and 2 is a hen. I am pretty sure what ever they are they are both the same. Thanks for your opinion.
This is my first experience of Cream Legbars so not sure how dark is dark. They guy I got the eggs from says 1 is a cockerel and 2 is a hen. I am pretty sure what ever they are they are both the same. Thanks for your opinion.
If you keep track of which bird is which, you can check back when they are older and see who was right. I would be curious to know the answer too.

In general, I would expect the breeder to know the traits of the birds they raise. But anyone can be wrong, so I cannot be sure whether that guy was right or wrong in this particular case.

If I were guessing, I would be guessing #1 is a female and #2 is a male, based on the overall coloring I see in the photos-- but I do not have much experience with sexing Cream Legbars, so I could very easily be wrong.
Cream Legbars are meant to be autosexing but it looks like this breeder isn't breeding for it, so it's being lost. #1 is either a pullet with a really defined head spot or a cockerel, #2 I would say is cockerel
At 14 weeks this is number 1.... Next doors cat got number 2.... What do you think. Pullet?


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Definitely both are cockerels. However, a legbar pullet can have a head spot too, since they have a single barring gene. One of my Reese Legbar girl had a head spot when she was a chick, but she had very dark and well defined patterns as other females.

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