Cream Legbars

Hey are your cream legbars from green fire farm, and do they lay mint greens eggs ? Do you have a pic of the eggs in an egg cartan. I'm desperately looking for mint green eggs from legbars come this March. Also I was on your web site. Can I use a discounted gift card with the any other discount Codes ?
I would like some advice regarding this young pullet's crest. She seems to have a rather large crest compared to her sisters. But she also has a very nice cream color. Will her chicks inherit this larger crest? I would like to put her in the breeding pen to continue the cream.

Larger crests are better on the hen as long as they don't obstruct the vision. If her sisters have smaller crest, then this one is better. Better birds are NOT always capable of passing their good traits on to their offspring though. It really comes down to the pairing. My only cautions with big crested hens is that they often produce son's with twisted combs or daughters with crests that obstruct their vision if the right mate is not used.
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I saw this in hens that carried recessive white.

That would be nice. I wouldn't mind having some White Cream Legbars. 

They are beautiful, and for some reason reminded me of white peahens. It is the crest I supose. My white Legbars were super sweet specially the cockerels who had a very low volume crow. I miss them.
To get white chicks you of course need a white or carrier cockerel.
Well of course they would be. More temptation for people with a problem.. Like me.
Do they have a Chickens Anonymous?
They should. My family thinks I'm crazy and that I now spend too much money on chickens.

So out of the 12 eggs that went into lockdown I have 2 busy little females. They're not dry but if they're as easy to sex as Tim's chicks were, then these are girls. 1 is Rees line only, the other is C/Rees. I have 2 more pipped and 8 still unsure. These Rees chicks although basically pullet eggs :( are giving my others a little run for their money.
Has anyone gotten any CL chicks from Meyer? I have a friend who thinks she may have gotten some some as mystery chicks in a recent shipment and offered them to me. So far I only have my one girl out of ChicKat's eggs and I'd really like a couple more.
Hi I'm desperately looking for auto-sexing chickens the produce mint green eggs. I read the cream legbars do, but have been so,far unsuccessful in my attempt tp secure hatching eggs. Thus I'm putting it out there that I want them and will pay for them 12 eggs come this March. Below is the color I want.

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