Creating Crele Colored Chickens



Preserving Gamefowl, 1 Variety At a Time🇮🇳🇺🇸
Premium Feather Member
6 Years
May 31, 2018
Tawas City, Michigan
This little peep is a mix of Buff Orpington/Barred Rock, & Buff Orpington/Australorp. First try is a little pullet.
She is getting the barring pattern within her wing feathers. How do you know she won't be crele? Have you tried the combo?
Why would barring mean it's a pullet?
No haven't tried the combo but crele is barring on gold duckwing and none of those breeds are duckwing.
Not the barring. I didn't say anything about the barring meaning it's a pullet.. I was just talking about the pattern coming in.
This little peep is a mix of Buff Orpington/Barred Rock, & Buff Orpington/Australorp.
So the Sire is Buff Orp/Barred Rock cross and the Dame is a Buff Orp/Australorp cross?

She is getting the barring pattern within her wing feathers. How do you know she won't be crele? Have you tried the combo?

From the looks of the pics, I can confirm that the chick is actually a male(cockerel), as for why not crele? Crele is a term that has been asigned to a phenotype(looks) that is based on the wild type e+(think about black breasted red or gold duckwing), the chick on the picture is based on Extended black(E) and is most likely E/eWh(Extended black from Barred Rock or From Black Australorp and eWh is Wheaten from Buff orp side) but she could also be E/E(Extended black from Barred Rock and From Black Australorp) the male chick has barring and most likely will develop to be a solid black barred rooster(dark barring) with some gold leakage on breast/shoulders when adult
My bad I thought you were referring to barring as a sexing trait. If you're trying to wing feather sex it by even or uneven feathers coming in that doesn't work unless specifically crossing for it. For it to be accurate it needs to be a cross of a fast feathering male over a slow feathering female.
Of course some will be convinced it is accurate with all chicks because it seemed to have worked in the past.. Of course there's only two choices so a blind guess will result in the same outcome a 50% chance of getting it correct.
Back to the barring. Unsure what it was said to mean? Barring alone doesn't make a chick crele. Crele is barred duckwing. A crele chick would be a chipmunk patterned chick with a headspot.
She has two short lines on the sides of her back. I've seen crele Orpington chickens. Crele is kind of like calico of the chicken world.

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