crested runner ducks from ideal


these are two ducks i bought the male has a beautiful round crest from the back it looks like a half moon cookie white on top and fawn on the bottom
not to impresded with female crest but they were only 15 a piece and i only want the female for eggs to eat. i am going to breed the male to my other runners for some eggs to hatch
but 98 percent of the eggs my family is going to eat
YES they're real! What do you mean they look fake? I don't even have or know how to use Photoshop. I really did have my own line.

No, i believe you. Sorry, i didn't mean to offend at all. i think they're gorgeous. They are just so unique-looking. Remember those ladies hats from the 50's? They were usually mink or rabbit, and were almost like a headband that sat at the back of the head. It kind of looks like they're wearing those hats.
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I have a crested buff duck from Ideal. You can look at some pictures of her if you search for my posts.

Originally I didn't want a crested duck because I heard of their neurological problems and because I thought they looked stupid. They sent me one anyways, and I thought it was a mistake until I looked on their website and saw that on their description page: "Crested Buff Ducks may be included in your order." So just a warning to those who don't want crested ducks, you might get some if you order from Ideal.

The duckling had problems when it was young. Even now when she's older I think she's a little off compared to the other two, though physically she's the same. She also is adorable, though I wouldn't want another crested in the future.

Anyways, if you want pictures I have a few if you do a search. A small picture of Puffhead is in my avatar too.

I've been searching for information on "pom-poms", glad I found this site! I bought 3 female runner ducks from a local "feed and seed" store about a month ago. I just ordered white Indian runner ducks- I had never even heard of runner ducks being crested. After about a week, one of the ducklings began developing a tuft of hair on the back of her head. Since then, it's grown quite a bit and now looks just like the crests on the ducks I've seen pictured here. I have no plans to ever breed any of the 3 ducks I have, but now I'm worried about her health. At first, when I felt her head, it felt totally normal under the little pom pom. Now, at 4 weeks old, I can feel an extra sort of flap of skin under there. She is a little smaller than the other two, but hasn't had any seizure activity, stumbling, or anything like that. Is there anything I should be doing extra for her (diet, vet care etc)?
I have a 1.5 year old disabled crested Rouen, and three of his crested healthy siblings, so while no duck expert I speak from some experience. I also believe we need to keep repeating the issues with crested ducks so folks new to ducks understand the issues.

Before I ordered the crested Rouens from Ideal I tried to do research and came up with info on the lethal gene. I found out about the neuro problems after I had already purchased the ducklings. Reliable research is not that easy to find and can be confusing.

My disabled duck luckily does not have seizures, but he does have balance problems to the point that he will never be able to stand or to walk. He lives in the house, in his special duck cage with bolsters on the sides to keep him upright. I take him out and hold him in my lap when I eat breakfast, at night he goes out for either a swim or in a harness for exercise. Surprisingly he swims like a champ, and can run really well if you stand him up so he can get started.

When I bought the crested ducklings I had no intention on getting a house duck. But he was so helpless, and now he is part of the family.

You all should know that breeding crested duck to crested duck does NOT always result in unhatched eggs or deformed ducks. I was told earlier this year by a "reliable" source that my crested Rouen eggs would never hatch because both the hens and drakes were crested. So I let Little Dot sit on nine eggs figuring they would never hatch - WRONG. They all hatched, all the ducklings are crested and thank you patron saint of ducks, they are all healthy with no issues so far.

If Little Dot sits on eggs next year I'm replacing her eggs with eggs from my non-crested ducks. I was lucky with this hatch but I won't press my luck.
My understanding is that:
- the crests are formed in an area where the skull is or was not closed normally
- neurological issues are typically caused by fat deposits in the brain area of crested ducks
- under the fluff or feathers the crest is partially made up of fat and of course the skin that covers it, blood vessels etc. so your little duck's crest might feel like it has fat flap of skin.

She will probably be just fine although as you've read some crested ducks develop neuro issues latter in life. She should not require any special feed or supplements. What she may need when she is an adult around drakes is protection from then deciding that little crest is a great handle
Thanks! I don't have any drakes, so she should escape that problem
Which leads to another question I've been pondering....I got my runner ducks for eggs. Are they like chickens in that they will lay eggs without a male around?

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