Crochet "Chat"

Glad to hear all is well, so far with you & babe!

Fart eggs!!
too funny!

lovemy chix, what cute fuzzies!!

Okie, Hope DD gets better soon & you don't pick it up. Spewing corn...
. Skand hope you are doing better.

Well Queen, good luck.
So what Skand made you jealous with her chrome home.

Oh I so say that all the time!

could very well be my oldest DD. She had ultrasound on Monday they measured for weight. HE is 6lbs & 7 ounces now, they are guessing at LEAST 10 when he is born. She has a month to go & no C- section insite. OUCH!!! They said this one is 91% bigger than most measured at this time.

Well, I haven't been feeling so whoopy since Saturday. Been having symptoms of when I needed blood...nauses, headache, lightheadedness, VERY tired, just not feeling well. I called the doc on Monday. He never called me back.???
Odd for him, he is right on stuff, even if he is calling way after office hours. So I decided to check my b/p a few times over Monday...OMG, bouncing all over from 122/86 sitting to 144/96, pulse upper 90's to low 100's. Just keep getting this wooshwoosh feeling. So yesterday I was ticked cause the doctor didn't call back, wasn't like all I had was a cold or something & I KNEW it was not the doctors fault. So I go in & ranted with the office lady
, told her someone didn't do thier job right...& on & on about how I felt. So she checked my chart, no message, checked doctors desk for anything, nope nothing there, her & another doctors nurse checked the trash, nope no note that I had even called! Now 2 of us were fuming.
So we decided to make me an appt today with my doctor & if I got worse to go to ER. We also decided to check my b/p before I left. That got me 156/102!
Nurse kept me there a bit rechecked me it was 144/102. So I seen another doc since mine was out. He drew blood, said my heart rate varied from 70-100 in the shoort times he listened to it. And said come back in the next day or 2 & have your b/p checked with my doctor & sent me on my way!
I will gaurantee when I go in here in a bit, my doctor will be PO'D!

I use to be on a low amount of b/p pill, but a year ago when I had my hip replaced it kept dropping & so he took me off it. It has been fairly good, an occasion up but nothing concerning. We will see what this brings.....sorry to kept this so long, that was the short version!
Better go read a couple more emails & get ready to go,
Yeah I had to put Nathan in the 6 months baby clothes when I got him home from the hospital. I was in the hospital for a week..............

He has really been worth it though.

He is my favorite Sh.....
I didnt say that out loud did I?
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DD was born 1 oz short of 10 lbs and she was a week early

I may have an moose too lol The twins were 5lbs and 4lbs 5 oz when they were born and they were 2 months early!!

That is HUGE for pre-mature twins born at 32 weeks 3 days. I can only imagine what I would have felt like if I would have carried them to term. I was already crying the day before I delivered them b/c I didn't possibly know how I could stand it any longer. lol (9 lbs of baby plus another 10lbs of fluid, placenta, etc since they were twins. I am so glad that time period is over. lol
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Okie, I just use a little bit of embroidery thread sometimes for eyes and I use my crochet hook to get them in there, if it will fit. Otherwise I use a cross-stitch needle.
I always end up with little eyelashes from the knot though. Buttons or beads work the best, or there's those safety eyes from craft places where you push them in and they are supposed to stick there.

You would need pretty tiny ones for the chicks, but I do recommend the safety eyes the most if you can ever find the size you need, which I can't ever find.
We are addictive!


Ooooooooooooooooh saaaaafety eyes!!! I had always wondered how those types of eyes worked and why in the world you could never get them out of the danged animal!!! <-------see why I need them?
My kids are just like me...hmmm how will this come apart?
tiki244 wrote:

okiemommy wrote:

DD was born 1 oz short of 10 lbs and she was a week early ep

I may have an moose too lol The twins were 5lbs and 4lbs 5 oz when they were born and they were 2 months early!! th th

That is HUGE for pre-mature twins born at 32 weeks 3 days. I can only imagine what I would have felt like if I would have carried them to term. I was already crying the day before I delivered them b/c I didn't possibly know how I could stand it any longer. lol (9 lbs of baby plus another 10lbs of fluid, placenta, etc since they were twins. I am so glad that time period is over. lol

Oh my goodness big_smile

DITTO!! Ok I am really gone this time, just can't stay away! smile

yeah lol I still have some PTSD from that time in my life I think!
My big 9lb. 4 oz. was so fat and big until he started walking. Now he's a little bean pole.

Ok...I admit that I do have a problem. I am working on putting all my snowmen collection away and putting up some spring decor and all my totes that I use either have chicks in them or chicken feed.

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