Crochet "Chat"

Well I took my sugar test the other day at my OB appt. They called me today and left a message b/c I didn't hear the phone. I called back and got the voicemail

Anyway, ususally they don't call back with test results unless they're not good. I will find out tomorrow what's going on. I did feel pretty ick after I drank the sugar drink. They told me ahead of time that sometimes this prelim test will come out positive for gestational diabetes, but the second test, the 3 hr test, will usually come out negative.

Here's hoping.
my pillows are about 18x18, so the smaller covers won't work. I saw something in my crochet today book, and it was covering them with 4 different color patches (not quite granny square, but fully crocheted single crochet I think). I need to get some yarn and actually do it I guess. I'll figure something out, I'm sure.
Here is an update on how my 3 lil buff orphington chickies are doing with their adopted mother hen. I worried alot in the beginning but now they are doing real good. The hen won't let me get anywhere near the chicks and really gets mean if any other hens come near her. They are in a big pen all to themselves but she still gets fluffed up if anyone comes near. I really like this way better than keeping the chicks in my house cuz then I have to listen to my annoying DH fussing about the stink. I all of a sudden love broody hens!
Good Morning!

report from Skand: "Tell Karen the eggs hatched and that the snow chix are the cutest ever! ps- they're ducks- lol"

She texted me this morning. Sounds like things are going well.

Okie, good luck with the sugar test! I *hate* that thing. I have to assume that I just have GD because I had it last time, and I am going to see if I can get out of the test. Annoying...I hate it. And I know I will feel icky after the test because I haven't eaten hardly any amount of sugar for about 3 years.
My doctor wants me to take it early too. grrrr.... Not for me, thanks.

Hope everyone enjoys the day. Breezy and hot in the forecast for us here. 83 degrees for the high and then stormy for the rest of the week. Whee!
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Sure wished I could have seen Jim's face when he saw those webbed feet and little bills

Sooo glad they hatched.

I was beginning to worry about Sk:oops: , Jim and the girls cause we hadn't heard.

Rocket are they computer less? I will try to send her some snail mail.
Thanks for forwarding the update

Okie I hope you and Rocket both do well with your tests
Need to take care of yourselves and the babies.

Well I took today as a vac day to get stuff done around here before we open the greenhouse on May 9th.
Came in to cool off,
get a drink and
fix lunch.
Wow it is windy and warm here today.
Well, I will check with ya all later,
maybe on another sit down break.

D: Karan
well good afternoon everyone, this is my down day before the weekend, I am planing on somehow going to the POOPS swap this saturday(people of oklahoma poultry swap aka poops)
and then rain rain rain all next week 5 days worth.
not to mention wednesday we have 3 appts. in town eyes, teeth, and shots. oh boy! all while playing in the rain. yea!!!
well today I had a goose eggs explode all over me so I now stink even after 3 showers. but good news is all my other baters hatched. so I am now knee deep in babies
so I am going to have to try to find more goose eggs and try again. and I am trying to sneek in a turkey in to the brooder to see if dh notices LOL well hope all are haveing a great day. Maw.
Karan, I think they are computer-less at the Airstream, and only get online when she's at her mom's or in laws' or something. Not really sure, but it seems like that.

Maw! Congrats on all your babies, sorry about smelly eggs exploding.
The POOPS gathering sounds like a lot of fun. It would have to be for a bunch of people to go for an acronym like that.

SE, Got racing tomorrow? Hope it goes well! We'll be rootin' for ya...

Hope everyone has a great evening!
Maw wow that must have been really gross!!
I got an egg that was big enough to be a turkeys egg today. Must be a double yoke. The POOPS sounds like fun.

Ozark I am glad you said that. I didn't think about taking pictures. Will get to that tomorrow.

I have been sooo busy with my bees that I almost never have time to get on the puter anymore. I have my very own hive now. Bought it from my brother after he split his hive.

Back to cleaning and cooking. Hope everyone has a good weekend!
Well Gang I am Pooped

Got the yard mowed, DH & I Put a New Gate in, Moved some plants, sorted threw our lumber pile, watered plants, and moved DB out to his own Penthouse.
I thinking of cleaning up a bit and going to relax and crochet
Just finished putting dishes in dishwasher after supper.

Here are a few photos of DB in his new digs he has quite a bit of room.

Here is a good shot showing how well his feathers have grown back in

Yes it is that windy here that all his head feathers blow back from his face. No sign of horns, he's a good Boy no devil coming out of him


SE I hope Travis does well at races.

Maw good to hear from ya. Sounds like you been buzy. The POOP sounds like a great time

Rocket thanks again for passing the message from Sk

Well gang I have a date with some soap and water

Wow, you all have been busy! My computer locked up the AOL two weeks ago and I have had to use the library computer just to check email.

I finally had to uninstall AOL and then reinstall an older version. However it appears that my Screen Name file is corrupted and so it will go to the doctors next week to get fixed again!

But at least now I can sign on under the guest sign on and go from there.

Happy Belated Birthday to all those I missed while off the computer. Glad to hear that the gardens are growing. I spent Easter Sunday afternoon planting mine. 2 types of bush beans,pole beans, peas, cucumbers, 2 kinds of squash, pumpkins, birdhouse gourds, ornamental gourds, collard greens, 2 kinds of cabbage, lettuce, parsnips, radishes, beets, carrots, parsley, basil, tyme, cantalope, peppers, 2 kinds of onions, still have the corn and tomatoes to put in this week.

The weather has been great the last couple of days, however we are supposed to be getting rain the middle of next week.

Both of my OEGB that went broody on me managed to hatch two chicks the other day. Unfortunately, one was dead in the shell and the was fine. However when I went out today to check on them today the baby was missing and no more had hatched. I even got down on my hands and knees and looked for it, but couldn't find it.

However my Rex Doe kindled last night and she had 5 little babies. Hopefully they will all make it.

Hope everybody is doing better that was feeling poorly.

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