Crochet chicken!


♥♥Lover of Leghorns♥♥
May 21, 2020
So I crocheted a chicken! I haven't really experimented with feather colors to go with specific breeds, but any solid color breed would be pretty easy. I could also change comb and wattle size to make it look more like a hen, but I'm happy with this as a base item. Breeds that would be hardest would probably be anything else with complicated feather patterns, like laced wyandottes and barred rocks.
unnamed (1).jpg
*I forgot to mention: yes I know it's sitting, and chickens don't really sit. It's just the way it's being held lol
Since you’re an accomplished.... well, crocheter, have you thought about making brooder buddies? The chicken design might be good for quail chicks. A bigger one for chicken chicks.
Since you’re an accomplished.... well, crocheter, have you thought about making brooder buddies? The chicken design might be good for quail chicks. A bigger one for chicken chicks.
It's an idea! For lone chicks or just for fun?

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