Crochet Granny Square SWAP ~ Fall 2011 (CLOSED!!!!)

YAY!!!! AWESOME!!!!!
Please go right ahead and copy and paste the info. I did the same thing and stole the info from Erin when she hosted the swap last spring and just edited it to suit all the details we all agreed on. Very cool! Can't wait to take a peek at it. Thank you so much Sunny!!!
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Well, guess what ladies? I'm not fond of pink either. If I use any at all it will be a very, very pale pink. I'll stick to the cool colors we discussed before. I'm waiting to post a notice with dates until Writer of Words checks her school calender. We have lots of time.

Today was spent at the sewing machine. I've been making Christmas stockings for our wounded warriors. Our quilt guild makes them for the wounded warriors and the women's and children's shelter here in town. We decided we needed more for the wounded warriors and the miltary person that picks them up will be here right after out Dec 1st meeting to pick up the stocking and the quilts we make for them also. I have one stocking completed and three more ready to cut out, layer with batting and backing and then quilt and sew them together.
WOO HOO!!! YEA! I'm in then!

That is soooo cool!!! Hubby and I are participating in a "stocking stuffer" drive, put on by the Army (my DH works for the Army), this year. We just have to get a few things from the list they gave us and turn them in the first week of December though. Not very hard to do. I think it's awesome that you are sewing these stockings! Our soldiers will be so thrilled to get them!
You hate pink, too?!? I'm so glad I found someone else who dislikes it!

I know! Sometimes I think I'm the only female on the planet that doesn't like pink. Now there are 3 of us, including Betty!

I think how it started with me was when I was younger I used to like it but it looks horrible on me! I tried to wear a very pale pink, thinking that would work, but every time I tried (all day long) people would ask me "Are you sick? Your skin looks so pale and yellow!" Well I do have yellow undertones and it seems that pink is the perfect contrast to make my skin's yellow tones stand out like a sore thumb!
Just wanted to stop by and hello to everyone!!! I'm sooooo happy to see the crochet corner so active. I love this site!!!

So glad to see we have SWAP hostess lined up!
Thank you ladies!!!

Well I am tuckered out from Hubby's b-day bash and too tired to post. We had a nice turn out of friends. I think it was a success!!!! I will catch up w/ you ladies tomorrow.

Sweet dreams~
Smitty's Farm :

Just wanted to stop by and hello to everyone!!! I'm sooooo happy to see the crochet corner so active. I love this site!!!

So glad to see we have SWAP hostess lined up!
Thank you ladies!!!

Well I am tuckered out from Hubby's b-day bash and too tired to post. We had a nice turn out of friends. I think it was a success!!!! I will catch up w/ you ladies tomorrow.

Sweet dreams~

You too Kim! Good night!
Sorry ladies, but there wasn't any swap square packages delivered over the weekend, but Fri was a holiday. My mail comes late. I'll keep you posted if any arrive. In the mean time they are all tucked safely behind my couch.
I hope everyone is having a fabulous Monday!!!! I'm trying to play catch up on this crazy house. It's fluffy~waffy.
I'm Excited! I just got my last 2 books in the mail... "The Granny Square Book" & "Crochet Stitches Visual Encyclopedia"... now if i can only decide which squares to make by the time the next swap comes around!!

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