Crooked Neck Turkey***UPDATE #2 **

I do, thank you.
I knew what you menat. Thank you very much. He is getting stronger by the day. This morning at 6:30am I spent 15 minutes retrieving teh syringes because he would grab them run and them sling them about five feet away. Aggravating but much better than a sad and sick turkey. Henry is back to strutting and fanning out. When he sees my syringes he goes the other way. I slowly drip the Tylan 50 in his mouth. I am afraid of choking him.

After 2 days of hand feeding boiled eggs, squirting syringes of pedialtye and Enfamil Poly-Vi-Sol Multivitamins for infants and toddlers down my tom's throat, my turkey has finally shown some signs of hope. He had been roosting on the ground with his head almost touching the ground with open wings. Tonight, after 30 minutes of hand feeding him, he flew on the fence that he usually roosts on and is now sleeping. I am so happy. I hope that this is a sign that he is on the road to recovery. I will go to the store to get some Tylan for him on tomorrow and give that to him as well. I will keep everyone updated.
Which type of pedialyte would be good, flavored or unflavored?

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