Cuckoo marans or barred rock, can't tell


In the Brooder
Sep 6, 2016
UPDATE: This started as a cuckoo marans or BR thread but have already been informed that none of these are marans and that one is most likely a Dominique while the other 3 are BR's. :)

updated w/ better pix

I got these girls a few months ago, the breeder said 3 of them were cuckoo marans and 1 was a barred rock. i'm pretty sure the one with the tiny comb is the barred rock but there's another girl that looks very similar to her but with a larger comb, 2 are darker, they all seem to have at least semi yellow legs..i just can't tell. These pics bite, it is very hard to get pix of these girls but i can try for better ones. They just started laying, at least one of them lays a lighter egg than the others
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I've looked through pix and comparisons but somehow when I look at my girls I just get confused. Perhaps I've been hit with the stupid stick again, I just cannot tell, other than my one hen who I'm 99.9% sure is a BR, the breeder and my husband says the others are CM but they have at least partially yellow feet and I keep reading their feet should be white.
my brain hurts...
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If their feet have yellow on them, they are Barred Rocks. If their skin is white, Cuckoo Maran.
Also Barred Rocks have yellow beaks, while Marans have whiteish blackish beaks. Cuckoo hens are also typically not as well barred as Barred rocks.

I think you have Barred Rocks.
I've been thinking they have to all be barred rocks as well, it's been making me crazy, haha!! It's weird how the ones that the breeder said were CM's are different than the one that was a definite barred rock, they all 3 have black and yellow beaks, light yellow feet w/ white in spots and my barred rock has an all yellow beak with yellow feet. perhaps the other 3 are mixed or something...
Beak comparisons, the one on the right is my BR (now thinking possibly Dominique), bought her as a BR, the other 2 on the left have different looking beaks and combs...
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Just to confuse things really good, I think the bird on the right above is a dominique, although I'm not certain.

Both BR and CM should have straight combs (like the two on the left). As others mentioned it is then down to skin color between those two, and the yellow indicates BR.

The one on the right looks to have a rose comb which would be right for a dominique.

Luckily, these are all very nice breeds!
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agree the bird in second picture above on the far right has a different comb - almost looks like a buttercup ( I think it's called) not a BR comb at all. Also barring is lighter colored around neck but, darker farther down.
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Haha, the only one I thought I was sure on is the one that may not be a BR after all. That's cute, luckilly I don't mind one way or another though Betty White, the oddball with the tiny comb,is by far our favorite hen, her personality is just awesome. I would like to know what they are so thanks everyone. I will do more research and include Doms in my search.

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