Culling Aggressive Rooster

Maybe she found it safer to her person because it was so sudden. She didnt have to wrestle a rooster somewhere and find an instrument...and so on. Hopefully better for the animal as well. More and more of the old ways are coming back.
A very good possibility, she wasn't a tall woman lol. They'd always talk how she'd walk out there, grab the meaner and do a quick flick of the wrist and no more. They never spoke about it flopping around like when they did larger quantities with an ax, so there's that too. But pappaw would tell us how they'd catch the roosters, chop and taler them flop. (Terrified my aunt at the time lol flopping chicken chasing her)

I grew up butchering, just never around the death. And that's my issue right now as we try to keep a sustainable system.
A very good possibility, she wasn't a tall woman lol. They'd always talk how she'd walk out there, grab the meaner and do a quick flick of the wrist and no more. They never spoke about it flopping around like when they did larger quantities with an ax, so there's that too. But pappaw would tell us how they'd catch the roosters, chop and taler them flop. (Terrified my aunt at the time lol flopping chicken chasing her)

I grew up butchering, just never around the death. And that's my issue right now as we try to keep a sustainable system.
Yes. I struggle with it too. The cone method is the only method I can use. Less confronting for all concerned for an amateur anyway.
So yesterday was the first day without him in the flock. I was out in the yard all day working on projects and the girls were so peaceful. Scratching and running around. None of the usual anxious chatter or bickering. They seemed to enjoy just meandering around and coming in for treats. Today they surprised me. For not being very social with people they were a lot more social than usual, coming to perch with me in the chair as I sipped my coffee and accepting scratches for longer than usual

Its crazy how peaceful it is. My alpha hen has relaxed a lot in her bullying since he isn't around to gang up with her and bully the other girls. I'm sure that in time that might change. And I was thinking about adding a couple of similarly aged hens to the mix but they just seem so happy that I may just leave it.
This was us. We had four Roos that were supposed to be hens. We culled two and I had planned on keeping the other two, but one roo kept trying to cover my girls and they kept running. Bertha, would chase him off and the other roo would attack him. My husband unfortunately couldn’t tell them apart and ended up culling the wrong roo. He had to go back and cull the one that kept attacking my girls. Now, we have no roos but the girls are much happier, even letting me pet them this morning while I was getting fresh water and hanging up their treats.

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