- Aug 21, 2020
- 28
- 157
- 69
I have a 2.5 week old black star chick, and I noticed on Tuesday that she was hunkered down in the same spot in the brooder two times in a row when I checked on our 10 chicks. That’s when I saw one of the others trample her, and saw her teeter totter from side to side, catching herself with her wings and sticking her neck out to balance. She had been fine the day before, but now when I picked her up I saw her legs were tucked up under her and her toes were curled. I tried to help her stand, but she just immediately collapsed and did the same flailing to balance. I’ve been treating her in a separate brooder since then (today was day 4), but not seeing any improvement. She can get around, but only walking on her hocks, supporting herself with her wings, and cheeping unhappily the whole time.
Here’s a rundown of the main details of her life so far:

Here’s a photo from today - you can see the tip of her left “chick shoe” sticking out in front of her left shoulder, and she’s using her wing to stabilize herself.
Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for any advice!
Here’s a rundown of the main details of her life so far:
- Vaccinated for Marek’s and coccidocis at the hatchery (Murray McMurray). We’re within driving distance, so they didn’t have a rough ride through the mail.
- Brooder setup for the first several days was a large pop-up soft dog pen with zip top roof. Flooring was textured paper towels, and we used a heating plate rather than a lamp
- Several days in, switched bedding to industrial hemp bedding (we’re going to do the deep litter method with it), and added chick grit in case they ate some of the bedding.
- Food: Only Purina Start and Grow Non-Medicated crumbles from the start - no treats. Added Sav-A-Chick electrolytes to their water for the first 4 days. Food and water containers are cleaned with soap and water daily, and sanitized before washing every 3 days.
- Flockmates: no other birds have shown signs of curly toe paralysis, and they’re now noticeably bigger and more feathered than the black star.
- In her own brooder (smaller dog pen, textured paper towel bedding changed out several times per day, her own brooder heating plate).
- Checked for injury, legs and feet look physically fine.
- Adding Rooster Booster Vitamins and Electrolytes with Lacto Baccilis to her water. She needs to either be supported over by the waterer, or hand watered using an eye dropper.
- Usually needs to be hand fed while being supported in my lap. She is eating and drinking well when I come in to check on her every hour and a half or so.
- Made “chick shoes” for her using vet tape and thin cardboard for 3 days - no improvement on curled toes. Tried splinting individual toes, but she pecked at them until she could get them off.
- Made hock pads for her using bits of gauze pad and vet wrap, but she manages to wiggle them all over the place very quickly.
- I support her belly and try to encourage her to use her legs each day, but she can’t.
- I tried creating a “donut” for her to rest in with a sock and vet wrap, but she flails until she’s out of it.

Here’s a photo from today - you can see the tip of her left “chick shoe” sticking out in front of her left shoulder, and she’s using her wing to stabilize herself.
Thank you for reading, and thank you in advance for any advice!