Custom made chicken saddles $3.25 each. Now with wing protectors

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So a bantam cochin would be a small then? Those are the only ones that seem to be having trouble (in bantams). Many of the LF girls are having trouble, but they'll have to wait.

I'll let you know a bit later on if I'll be able to get some
I'm going to order 2 standards and one small bantam with wing protectors. Can you make the bantam one look like a fairy or butterfly. It's for my daughters hen, she would be soooooo happy to dress up her chicken.
A testimonial!

I ordered both bantam and standard size saddles because I had a couple of young pullets that were getting pecked and had lost a lot of feathers over the rump and tail. I thought it might help stop the pecking if I could cover the bare skin and growing feathers, but did not want to use duct tape like I had in the past.

I ending up using a standard size apron on a young rock pullet because the length of it was good to cover the base of her tail. This solved the problem completely! Feathers grew back once the new growth was covered and she looked so cute in her little cape! I removed the saddle a few days ago - she looks great and no one is bothering her anymore.
I would like a harness for my Light Brahma LF. I think the red bandanna material would go well with her white and black feathers, don't you? Size would be standard

Yes. That would be very nice. The red bandana is very popular. It is one of my favorites. Red bandana and chickens just go together.
I'll pm you with the prices. Thx.
I got my new saddle with the wing protector today!!
I wanted to post a pic, but Phoenix just wasn't feeling photogenic today.
Her feathers are growing back - they almost cover her scar already.
(For those who aren't familiar with her, Phoenix was attacked by a raccoon. She lost all her tail feathers & had a scar across her back. That was way back around late April/early May. I separated her from the group until her wound healed. When I re-introduced her, she became lowest of the pecking order & the top ladies wouldn't leave her scar alone. They never broke the skin, but wouldn't let feathers grow back.)
I loved the first saddle I got. The butterfly camo was so cute! I'm going to clean it up and rotate it with the new pink camo set I got today.
Thanks a bunch!!
I'll be in touch... I'm going to need some diapers for my peachicks in a couple months. We're keeping them inside over the winter & I'd like to be able to let them roam the house on occasion.
As soon as they get a little bigger, I'll let you know the measurements.
I'm so glad that worked Pagangbird.
If anyone else has this problem what I did was make wings the covered around the vent so it drapped over that area.

Orders mailed today:
Must be losing it

I will be mailing tomorrow
Chicken stalker

Thanks everyone !!!!!
I needed a pic for my thread of the shoulder protector.
These are your saddles Chicken stalker


The purple is actually a lilac print.
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