Cut on webbed part of foot

I was showing my husband this post. He said it definitely looks like a turtle got her. He said raking the pond won't do much since they burrow in the mud. And you can rake it one day and a turtle can make its way in an hour later. Plus if there were eggs laid anywhere around then there could have been babies hatched since raked. He said the best thing to do is get them a little kiddie pool to swim in for a while bc if there is a turtle that got it then it will be back and will get it again. He also mentioned not to let them back in the pond (even the one not injured) like the last poster said. I'm glad the bleeding seems to be slowing down. Just make sure to keep it clean and keep the antibiotic ointment on it.
I was showing my husband this post. He said it definitely looks like a turtle got her. He said raking the pond won't do much since they burrow in the mud. And you can rake it one day and a turtle can make its way in an hour later. Plus if there were eggs laid anywhere around then there could have been babies hatched since raked. He said the best thing to do is get them a little kiddie pool to swim in for a while bc if there is a turtle that got it then it will be back and will get it again. He also mentioned not to let them back in the pond (even the one not injured) like the last poster said. I'm glad the bleeding seems to be slowing down. Just make sure to keep it clean and keep the antibiotic ointment on it.

I have a kiddie pool for them I will use in the mean time and will set out some traps for turtles again just to be safe.
No. I mean it’s possible but I have raked the heck out of that pond and scoured it to make sure there are no turtles. There are very aggressive and large crayfish though. It’s a tiny nip in her web. I saw one the other night cut a beetle in half with its claws. They usually dont come out til night and hang in the middle of the pond in the day. But we have had 90 degree weather for like a week with no rain til today to the water level is low so I think she probably kicked one and it nipped back

But yeah. No pond for her til it heals up.
Sounds like a good time for a crawdad dinner to me!
I’ve had the same thing happen to my drake and it healed quickly and easily,but still has a scar. Best wishes for your little girl! :)

Thanks. Bleeding has stopped it seems. Gonna keep her separate for the night so I can better keep it clean and hopefully she will be on her way to healing up
I know a pond is totally cool but I'd be a nervous wreck if my ducks were in one. Water moccasins, snappers, otters, raccoons, and God only knows what else! We're in the same are and I know what kind of awful stuff is in ponds around here.
Yeah on most days you can see all the way to the bottom to see what’s in there. It’s maybe 3- 3.5 feet at its deepest. But the water level is super low right nowSo they are closer to the bottom where the crayfish are and I think it’s causing issues now

Hoping for rain to fill it back up
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Yeah on most days yo UCSB see all the way to the bottom to see what’s in there. It’s maybe 3- 3.5 feet at its deepest. But the water level is super low right nowSo they are closer to the bottom where the crayfish are and I think it’s causing issues now

Hoping for rain to fill it back up
We should be getting some rain from that tropical storm really soon

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