Cycle straight pipes - one long explosion of intestinal gas or what?

Buff Hooligans

12 Years
Jun 11, 2007
On Cape Cod, it's that time of year again. The "intestinal gas machines" come here to the most peaceful place on earth so they can disrupt everything they pass by.
I don't get it. If it's safety they're concerned about, why do they wear those little beanie helmets?

Tired of obnoxious noise.
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Me Too, I love Harley's but I can't stand when people beef them up. To me it is nothing but noise pollution!
I really hate when one of my children is woken up because some jerk has to be cool!
If you're fond of san dunes, and salty air.
Quiant little villages here and there.
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod.

Winding roads that seem to becon you,
Miles of green beneath the sky of blue.
church bells chiming on a Sunday morn
remind you of the town where you were born.

If you like the taste of a lobster stew,
served by a window with an ocean view.
You're sure to fall in love with old Cape Cod.
It's a beautiful thing ...
Cape Cod was my hubby's dream, not mine. But he hates straight pipes too. There's just no FREAK ing need for the extra NOISE. Regular vehicular traffic is acceptable.,, I mean, transportation is noisy. But when a vehicle driver goes out of their to CREATE EXTRA NOISE, what the heck is the point?

I'm there feeding my chickens some bananas: should I be impressed that you are 2 miles away firing your cycle's engines?
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Little helmets are because of laws not safety...

Strait pipes raise fuel mileage as well as lower emissions. They also add to safety. People pull out in front of bikes all the time because they ether fail to see them or they misjudge how close they are an how fast they are closing. The extreme noise makes them harder to overlook an it reverses the misjudging issue. People judge them as being closer than they are an think they are closing faster than they are. Making it less likely for people to pull out in front of them.

I think they should ban quiet cars. You know how many people get hit by cars every day because they did not hear them coming up behind them when they are walking or riding a bicycle. I do, I was one of them when I was 15.

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