Cypress Incubator Build

I spent a few hours over the past few days working on the incubator. I have all of the rough sanding done, installed the mechanical bits and drilled all holes for wiring and mocked up all electrical components, less the Thermostat from GQF that is in the mail.

I hope to install the doors, Finish the fine sanding and apply the finish this weekend and have the entire incubator finished before thanksgiving.

Here are a few pictures I took after the most recent work.

Turner Trays reinstalled after stripping and painting

Front of the incubator. The large wooden panel will be replaced with a custom made control panel.

Rear View of turner. 450W Computer power supply unit in upper left and turner motors in upper Right.

Front Top Compartment open. Backup wafer thermostat installed on back wall and Wires from PSU (12v and 5V for Lights, Extra fans, Ect.) Thermostat will be installed on righthand side wall above where the wires are laying.

Front View with Top Open

Back Compartement Open. PSU on leftside, Main Fan on top and Turner motors on Right side


View from back of incubator with Top Rear compartment open.

Thanks for looking.
I will be using the same 225w heating element used in the GQF Sportsman incubators

In other news... I am having a hard time with designing my control panel. I have it mocked up on a piece of cardboard but the engraving shop needs it on a plain white sheet of paper to scan it into their computer. I have scanned the cardboard mockup into my computer but I can't edit the text or get rid of the brown background! Anyone have any suggestions? Care to volunteer services?
Great news! I came home from work to find my thermostat at and heating element sitting by my front door!

I have to be honest the quality of the plastic case is questionable. I really expected it to be of much higher quality for the price. I hope it works better than it is constructed!

Also it doesn't have a wiring diagram to use if I want a backup wafer thermostat...
Dropped off this sketch at the engraving shop this morning! I can't wait to see the finished product!

The big black rectangles will be cut out for the digital thermometers to measure the temperature at the top and bottom of the incubator while the large black dots will be drilled out for switches and the small dots for LED 's. The panel will be black with White lettering. It's size will be 9" x 4.5"

Here are the latest Pictures of My Incubator Build.

Front w/ Door and Control Panel installed!

Control Panel

Side and Back w/ Door Installed

Door Locks (Window Locks;))

GQF Digital Multi-Turn Thermostat

Thermostat Adjustment Knob

Thermostat Adjustment Knob Close up

I will be Removing everything over the next few days as I have time. If the weather is nice I will do all the final sanding and apply the Polyurethane Finish. Afther the Poly is dry I can put the whole thing together for the FINAL TIME!!!!

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