Cyst/lump near eye of chicken.


May 9, 2023
An acquaintance's chicken has a weird lump near the eye, they tried to drain it but no pus came out. I think that it's a deep cyst, possibly some respiratory infection. I'm writing this for them as they don't really use English websites.

Any advice on treatment? I think a hypodermic needle would be able to drain it but the cyst would probably return. The veterinarians in our country would tell them to just cull it, so no professional help.


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It could a respiratory disease such as coryza, or she could have something in the eye that has caused infection. I would try to get the pus infection out, and then rinse the eye with saline, and apply either Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin ointment to the eye twice a day. Does she smell bad? Coryza can be treated with sulfadimethoxine, bactrim, or other sulfa antibiotic. If you have a vet that would se her that would be good. Here is a video of removing pus:

We tried the operation, the mass smelled bad from the outside. But it was a failure. We were cutting into it and nothing was coming out. We were about half deep into it and it looked like meat inside, we tried pushing it out, using tweezers and nothing. It appears that it's not a cyst. Also she has already lost the eye quite a bit ago, so we don't need to worry about that.
It sounds like she might have a tumor or cyst if you found meat inside. I’m not sure that you can do much else except give her supportive care, or put her down to keep her from suffering. In the US we can send the body, kept cold, into the state vet lab to get a diagnosis. I’m not sure where this chicken is located, but here is a list of state vet labs to contact:
Sadly not gonna be able to do that. If she gets any worse in the next week we'll probably put her down. She looks super healthy except for that, she has an appetite and doesn't seem out of energy, even keeps up with all the other chickens.
Update for the curious: she seems to be getting better, the mass solidified into a gray lump and is getting smaller. Her eye survived by some miracle! We think the incision relieved the pressure at least somewhat.
It looks like there is foam around the eye, so I would recommend cleaning the foam off and apply either Terramycin eye ointment or plain Neosporin ointment twice a day. Please let us know and post pictures again soon to show how this mass gets better or worse. This is an interesting case.
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