Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

Start a new thread with a full duckumentary and spread of pics from all the hatches and then give us a link here :D

Oh, what an awesome idea!!!

But... I am on mobile... don't have a comp and that's hard to do without one... :(

I agree, I find it very difficult to use my phone. :( Saldy, I'm not as smart as my phone, lol.

I agree, I find it very difficult to use my phone.
Saldy, I'm not as smart as my phone, lol.

You're not alone in this, Kathy.
I can hardly figure out how to make calls on it!


HHAHAHAHA.  That made me laugh out very loud, Kathy.  Do you still have your landline?

Haven't had a landline in 13 years, just cell phones. Had no trouble using the other phones, but this new one is way too clever and has more features than I could ever use.

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