Da' Cute and Cuddly Call Duck thread!

wow!! I would have sacrificed a chicken gladly to see a bald eagle catch it...they are incredible birds! lol

I also had one swoop down right behind me and grab one of my young cochins. My dog tried to jump up and grab him. It took me a second to realize what it had a hold of, because it grabbed from behind and then flew right over my head. Then I turned around and noticed my Cochin missing. That's the only two times I've ever had problems with a eagle. Usually it's the hawks causing problems.
also i forgot to mention were hatched in March

She may still molt it out, no way to know til she gets older...

I can still picture Dexter waddling down the road all bright and confident, ready to eat breakfast...lol

Well, he was bright (wide) eyed and waddling fast, lol... his confidence took a hit though, but I prefer his more cautious attitude now...

If he is really a Dexter, the owl is probably in chunks in garbage bags at the bottom of a body of water.

I never even thought of that show when I named him! :gig

I had a bald eagle swoop down and grab one of my hens last year. The neighbor dog startled it and it dropped her. She had a few really deep puncture wounds, but lived.

Ouch! Dex had a few broken pin feathers and some scrapes... think he damaged an air sac too, his quack had a funny sound for a few days, but it got better, luckily...

Am super glad we have a regular patrol of turkey vultures over our place, it keeps the hawks down the valley instead...
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I know this isn't a call duck, but HAD to share with you guys!
I just hatched this super bald showgirl silkie chick! He has almost no fuzz on his belly and butt as well as the head as seen.
If any of you guys have facebook and want to follow, he has his own page, Donald the Bald Chicken.

Hes just too cute not to share with everyone!

I know this isn't a call duck, but HAD to share with you guys!
I just hatched this super bald showgirl silkie chick! He has almost no fuzz on his belly and butt as well as the head as seen.
If any of you guys have facebook and want to follow, he has his own page, Donald the Bald Chicken.

Hes just too cute not to share with everyone!
lol, poor guy, but still cute
I know this isn't a call duck, but HAD to share with you guys! I just hatched this super bald showgirl silkie chick! He has almost no fuzz on his belly and butt as well as the head as seen. If any of you guys have facebook and want to follow, he has his own page, Donald the Bald Chicken. Hes just too cute not to share with everyone!

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