Daily Duck Egg Report

We have 2 chickens that have been laying for about a month and one KC duck that just started laying last week. All 3 have been laying every day this week it is so cute they all take turns laying in the same nest. So when they are done all 3 eggs are together.
Greetings! I have 1 Drake Mallard and 3 Hen Mallards! 2 of my Hens are laying eggs left and right. Just hatched 2 ducklings over the Labor Day weekend but not sure what happened to her other 5 eggs that were in the nest. 9 eggs were left laying around, most likely duds, but she wasn't sitting on them so we took them and put them in an incubator. Now another hen is laying, 6 new eggs are in her "nest" and lots are just laying around. I think we have a total of 23 eggs, with new ones every day. These are our 1st batch of ducks as we just got them in March.
So Miss Lydia is in the South, her's seem to have stopped. I'm in the North, mine are still going right now. My 2 Broodies lower abdomen areas look lower or "heavier", I'm starting to wonder if they might return to laying before Fall proper? Time will tell!
zero duck eggs
8 chicken eggs... at least the chickens are still laying and picking up speed now.
1 duck egg and 2 chicken eggs today all 3 girls still laying daily. I can't wait until my other girls are old enough to start laying.

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