Danish brown (?) 4.5 weeks old. boy or girl?


My “twin” girls are starting to look very different.... please tell me Daisy is a girl who just grew a lot quicker than the others and not a cockerel? I really hope not... but something tells me she’s a he. The flock (4) seems to have really bonded already and I would hate to have to lose (re home) one of them... are they still too young to confirm their sex?
They’re both cockerels. Are they bantam or large fowl? Could be brown Leghorns.
Dang... both? I think they are Danish Brown Leghorns. Oh man. My tummy just dropped. Bummed I got two cockerels...

I have two more, an Orpington and an Ameruacana. It looks like I’m hurting my Orpi but it’s just how I caught the picture!
The orpington could be a boy... Not sure. Do you have a picture showing his comb a little more? Might be easier to tell in another week or so.
how can you tell? From their combs? I can’t believe out of the four I got three could be male.... the reason I got chicks was for the eggs. The two danish brown seem to have different personalities than my Orpington and Ameruacana. The orpi and Ameruacana are much more friendly and interested in me.

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