Daughter wants to know... why do people pay so much for eggs?

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I feel like it depends on what you want. the market sets a price , but you have to pay it. You can haggle or just not buy. There are breeds that I want and would pay more than most would be willing, only because that's what I want. I haven't really seen anything for sale that I would call unreasonable. Postage? you gotta pay it if you can't get what you want locally.
Thats funny, mom traded eggs once for a cage, I think the chinchilla thought it was yummy because they where always chewing on it! But I dont think I would try to chew on it, it did not look very good.
I still dont think I would save my money to buy eggs for $60 I think for that much I would rather take my family out to eat or the movies.
Mom did tell me she once payed $40.00 for our first 3 Serama chicks. I love them and might have payed that too because they are great chickens.
Mom said to say thank you for responding and telling me your stories, so Thank you
Ok talked to mom asked if to prove you can get good chickens for a great price if I could give away all of tomorrows eggs for the cost of shipping. She said I could, do I have anyone out there that wants them? You can see the breeds we have under this post. I think yesterday we got 20 eggs today we got 14 so I dont know how many you will get. If you want them the first person to post want them gets them. Mom will pm you to get your address and will send them to you when she picks us up from school tomorrow.
Most are separate, some of the large breeds we let run together in the day, but you will get all eggs because this is for fun so my daughter can prove her point good eggs, good breeds can still be affordable. This is only for fun so please remember this.
Thank you.
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I'll take them to hatch for my son's kindergarten class. Doesn't matter if they're pure to him. Is there any way you can not include turkens. If one hatched my son would throw a fit to keep it and I'm sorry but no.
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Will you do another day's worth to someone like me? I'm a newbie and can't wait to get started with chickens. I have an incubator and would love to try to hatch your eggs. Can you ship to Washington? Kristy
Turkens hatched out at christmas and are not laying now so you are safe LOL I will tell mom she will pm you. Thank you for taking on my challenge.
Just posting this again hoping PQ will see it! And wanted to add that we are homeschoolers studying Apologia Zoology I, Flying creatures of the 5th day (BIRDS), and this would tie in so nicely with what we are studying! Just let me know if you'd consider the 2nd person to respond also!! Kristy
Tell you what.......I have some Mille Fleurs and a blacktailed jap (ithink) that roam my yard....and a scandrel roo came to visit. So I have no idea what my eggs are really......

I will get in this thread and offer tomorrow and Wednesday's eggs for just the postage also.

See we can have fun!!!

ETA: I usually get 6 in 2 days.
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How nice of both of you to offer. I really appreciate it. I've been wanting to hatch some eggs for my son's class. I know they'll want to take them home so I didn't want to spend super big bucks for them. All I have are Delaware's right now and how exciting are a bunch of white chicks? I'm sure they'd much rather have a rainbow of them.
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