Indeed.You went on a quest to find one, I suppose.
Ebay has lots but you know how that goes or maybe you don't. The cheapest way is the auctions and I love auctions. But you sit there and watch them for like four or five or six days and then in the last hour and especially the last few minutes is when everybody starts bidding and by the time it ends the price is up there equivalent to damn near buying a new one.
And Facebook Marketplace is dealing with people. Either they're sold before you can get a reply. Or you never do get replies. Or you get replies but you're dealing with a crackhead.
I did end up finding one that was a decent price and was the highest GB model. It was a little over an hour away. I made it there and he showed me at worked but then wanted to delete his account off of it and didn't know how. So after about 20 minutes we got that taken care of and I was on the way home. I took a different route home so I could go by McDonald's for the boy since all the time it took to go get that was going to cut into my having time to make supper.
Halfway to that town there is a road closed and a detour that took me probably 20 minutes out of the damn way. But yeah I got it taken care of and was happy about that but it was a QUEST.