Day 20 - internal pip concerns


Sep 8, 2024
Two of my eggs have already externally pipped. One of my bantam eggs is peeping but has not broke through the shell. Will I need to intervene? How long should I wait?
It's my first time hatching and I'm well aware that I'm being super anxious but I don't want to jump the gun.
(It's been three hours and she's still tapping and peeping. Should I poke a little hole?)
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hey SoggyForks, i hatched my first chicks in the spring and i had a few that i could hear in the egg that still had not pipped. i left mine but continued to check on them, i believe hatching takes around 12-24 hours. i would say after a few hours if they still have not pipped you could create a tiny crack to help them break through the shell later but don’t rush them to much or you could cause them to bleed and die.
Just leave them be. For your first few hatches you are going to have some not hatch on time. Even though I have been hatching for years sometimes I have an occasional late hatch as well it happens. This is especially the case if you don’t have a pre-calibrated analog (not digital) thermometer inside your incubator.

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