I'm still wondering though... Is this a normal shape and location for the air sac? From what I can see, it looks like this on at least 2/5 of them.


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I'm still wondering though... Is this a normal shape and location for the air sac? From what I can see, it looks like this on at least 2/5 of them.
I didn't say anything about it before as I have no idea. I have hatched 100s and 100s of chicks so you'd think I'd be good at candling and I'm not. I could swear I've seen some of mine do that too and hatched.

Normally, the air cell is up at the big end, but if it's over to the side a bit, I don't see that as so strange.
Unfortunately, not a single one made it. Yesterday (day 26) I ended up throwing them out because of no progress or sounds or movements or anything when we candled them. I'm extremely sad and disappointed about that, especially since it was my first attempt at hatching, but I'm definitely gonna try again (with a thermometer) as soon as I can. Thank y'all for your support though!
That is so sad, I feel your frustration. I also lost 10 out of 12 eggs on the first week of incubation, and there is no guarantee the last 2 survivors will make it. It was also my first hatch.
The cause of the demise in my case was bad incubator thermometer and temperatures spiking past 40°c
That is so sad, I feel your frustration. I also lost 10 out of 12 eggs on the first week of incubation, and there is no guarantee the last 2 survivors will make it. It was also my first hatch.
The cause of the demise in my case was bad incubator thermometer and temperatures spiking past 40°c

I'm sorry. Hopefully next time we'll both have good hatch rates!

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