Day 22-- no pipping yet


Mar 2, 2017
Hello! I have 25 shipped hatching eggs in a Little Giant, still air incubator. Yesterday was hatch day, and today, I still have no pipping. All the eggs looked good when I put them on lockdown (but I'm also new to hatching/breeding and still learning) ..... my question is, when do I call it quits? I did lose power two weeks ago for 5 hours, and kept the incubator temperature above 90 (best I could do), using hot water bottles and blankets, until power resumed. Humidity has been right the whole time. Could they possibly be hatching late due to the temp drop, or do you think that is wishfull thinking on my part, and they are no longer Viable. I forgot to mention that these are Maran, OEs, and CCL eggs. THANKS!
Hello! I have 25 shipped hatching eggs in a Little Giant, still air incubator. Yesterday was hatch day, and today, I still have no pipping. All the eggs looked good when I put them on lockdown (but I'm also new to hatching/breeding and still learning) ..... my question is, when do I call it quits? I did lose power two weeks ago for 5 hours, and kept the incubator temperature above 90 (best I could do), using hot water bottles and blankets, until power resumed. Humidity has been right the whole time. Could they possibly be hatching late due to the temp drop, or do you think that is wishfull thinking on my part, and they are no longer Viable. I forgot to mention that these are Maran, OEs, and CCL eggs. THANKS!

To start----Welcome!!! Now lets get your set date----when you put them in did you wait 24 hrs for day 1, 48 hrs for day 2. (What was your set date?) Some count the day they put them in as day 1?? What did/are you keep the temp at during the incubation?? Did you check/monitor the humidity? Now you said they looked good when you put them into lock-down. Did you look at some pics on line to compare them with? Never give up on day 22---loosing power for a few hours should have been no problem being you were trying to keep them warm. I am hoping you counted your days wrong and today is day 21 and they will all hatch tonight---That would be good.
The day I set them, was what I was considering day 1. Is this wrong? I was given a chart from hatching group on facebook, and that's what I was going by. Temp has been between 99.5 and 101.5. Humidity was 40-50 during incubation, and 60-70 during hatchdown. This is the chart I was using.
My husband has been hatching eggs for a long time, but he has never monitored humidity, and never knew "lockdown" existed. He always got chicks but his hatch rate was not good. With this hatch I took control and was Trying to Be very careful, checking humidity and temp constantly, and used lockdown method. I said that to say, that we have hatched enough to know what a developed viable egg looks like, and they all looked good. :)
The day I set them, was what I was considering day 1. Is this wrong? I was given a chart from hatching group on facebook, and that's what I was going by. Temp has been between 99.5 and 101.5. Humidity was 40-50 during incubation, and 60-70 during hatchdown. This is the chart I was using.
I don't ever count the day I set them for example if I set on the 10th I would count the 11th as day one
I don't ever count the day I set them for example if I set on the 10th I would count the 11th as day one

Good. It does not matter what chart you look at or what ever as long as you Know a "Day" is 24 hours and it takes 21 of those 24 hour days for chicken eggs if the temp is correct. Of coarse other things play in too---whether they hatch or not. Still no pips??????????

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