Day 22 with BCM eggs.. what should I do?


Mar 1, 2025
Hello from Oklahoma, I bought 36 BCM eggs to hatch out. I am now nearing the end of day 22 and only 1 of the 36 have hatched. I do not see external pipping on any of the other eggs, and am not hearing and chirping either. I candled on day 18 just prior to lockdown and all but 5 seemed to be developing nicely with air pocket from what I could tell. The shells are quite dark so it is somewhat difficult to see, this being said I did not remove any of the eggs for lockdown that were questionable.

I have read multiple posts where Copper Maran eggs in particular can take longer to develop due to how dark the shell is, but I am unsure what to do in this situation. So I guess my question is when should I intervene? Do I let the eggs go a couple more days in the incubator or should I pip a small hole on a couple of them to see if the chicks are already dead? Candle for movement?

Any suggestions are greatly appreciated!
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I would first check your temp in the incubator with a couple different thermometers just in case. Oftentimes the factory settings for temp and humidity are off more than you'd think.

How long ago did the first chick hatch? Can you hear peeping from any of the eggs? Do you see them wobbling? You can candle a few but it may be best to just wait another day before doing anything.
I would first check your temp in the incubator with a couple different thermometers just in case. Oftentimes the factory settings for temp and humidity are off more than you'd think.

How long ago did the first chick hatch? Can you hear peeping from any of the eggs? Do you see them wobbling? You can candle a few but it may be best to just wait another day before doing anything.
Okay I will double check temp. If the temp is off could they just need a couple extra days to develop, or is the damage already done?

First chick started to pip on day 20, hatched out completely last night (day 21). When I checked them this morning I did not notice any wobbling or peeping. I will check again this evening when I get in from work.
I’m not sure what long term effects there are for incubating at a low temp but it will definitely slow development. I do find it odd that one chick hatched right on time so maybe it isn’t a temp issue. Shipped eggs usually don’t have great hatch rates due to them getting tossed about during their travel. I’ve had 2/16, 6/13 and 3/10 hatch with eggs I bought off eBay.

Any progress today?

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