day 23 no hatching


In the Brooder
Jun 18, 2024
its day 23 of incubation,the humidity is the same, i cant see any pipping definitely no zipping but there are movements so i know their alive , should i be concerned ?
My first coturnix hatch was day 19 because my incubator temp was too low. I upped it a degree and the second hatch was 2 days sooner! Bobwhite I believe you are fine, buttons I don’t have a clue, but coturnix would be really late at this point but movement is good, don’t help them hatch or it will be a disaster!
My first coturnix hatch was day 19 because my incubator temp was too low. I upped it a degree and the second hatch was 2 days sooner! Bobwhite I believe you are fine, buttons I don’t have a clue, but coturnix would be really late at this point but movement is good, don’t help them hatch or it will be a disaster!
Okay , how long do I leave them ?
I believe this set is bobwhites ,
Yeah yesterday , their a shadow moving around I can’t see a beak past the cell so I know they haven’t pipped
If these are coturnix, your incubator is running really cold. If these are bobwhites, give them a couple more days, but it still sounds like your incubator is a bit cold.

Do you have a calibrated thermometer or three inside the incubator? Never trust what the incubator says. They all lie.

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