
In the Brooder
Mar 17, 2023
Hi! I am potentially getting Indian Runner Ducklings from the local feed store, as day-olds. I am looking for information on raising them, and there is a lot of contradictory information, or info about call ducklings... but I know runners are different. I understand the early feeding, duck crumbs to start with lots of available water, and then duck grower feed. I have a good space outside for them, and a good shelter that is insulated. I just don't know how long to keep them in, temperature, etc. Thank you!
Your shelter should not be tightly sealed . It needs to have ventilation for the moisture to escape As far as a brooder you need an area that is warm enough (90 ish the first few days) and has cooler area as well. Ducks do not need as much heat as chicks, so you can start reducing heat after a few days if you want to. I don't worry to much on the exact temps as long as the ducklings are able to move away from the heat source.
My runner babies hatched 11 days ago. They are just a joy. People say they are loud. Mine aren't. They say they aren't friendly. I say you aren't hand feeding them their favorite treats. My runners are awesome, quiet, and flutter over to see me every time I walk over to their pen. My four adult females have been laying eggs continuously since last fall rarely missing a day! Their eggs are healthy, tasty, and make great cakes. Just make sure you have a safe enclosure from predators!


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Hi! I am potentially getting Indian Runner Ducklings from the local feed store, as day-olds. I am looking for information on raising them, and there is a lot of contradictory information, or info about call ducklings... but I know runners are different. I understand the early feeding, duck crumbs to start with lots of available water, and then duck grower feed. I have a good space outside for them, and a good shelter that is insulated. I just don't know how long to keep them in, temperature, etc. Thank you!
They are easy and so much fun. You will enjoy them. They love to forage. Just make sure they have a safe place to sleep at night and clean water. When they get older, they love to eat peas and lettuce. Boys sounds like frogs (deeper voices) and girls are louder and more feisty but still sweet. Pray for more hens than boys -- they will lay amazing eggs daily. I thankfully ended up with one boy and six females -- the boy is quite randy. He has his favorite lady friend but he chases the others and tries to mate with them too, but they run from him. They all have this head bobbing pecking order thing they do ... even the females do it to each other. They will bob and then sit on each other's backs as though showing dominance. They have their own language and they are quite entertaining!
They are little so that’s why they are quiet. I had to place mine because the noise was too much for me. They will eventually become wary like all ducks are at certain ages. I hatched out my runners and they did great until the drakes got older and decided I was no longer welcome.
My runner babies hatched 11 days ago. They are just a joy. People say they are loud. Mine aren't. They say they aren't friendly. I say you aren't hand feeding them their favorite treats. My runners are awesome, quiet, and flutter over to see me every time I walk over to their pen. My four adult females have been laying eggs continuously since last fall rarely missing a day! Their eggs are healthy, tasty, and make great cakes. Just make sure you have a safe enclosure from predators!
good job, goosey girl
My runner babies hatched 11 days ago. They are just a joy. People say they are loud. Mine aren't. They say they aren't friendly. I say you aren't hand feeding them their favorite treats. My runners are awesome, quiet, and flutter over to see me every time I walk over to their pen. My four adult females have been laying eggs continuously since last fall rarely missing a day! Their eggs are healthy, tasty, and make great cakes. Just make sure you have a safe enclosure from predators!
My runner babies hatched 11 days ago. They are just a joy. People say they are loud. Mine aren't. They say they aren't friendly. I say you aren't hand feeding them their favorite treats. My runners are awesome, quiet, and flutter over to see me every time I walk over to their pen. My four adult females have been laying eggs continuously since last fall rarely missing a day! Their eggs are healthy, tasty, and make great cakes. Just make sure you have a safe enclosure from predators!
My runner ducks are about 10 days old and I am wondering when can I start taking them for plays outside? Like just in the grass for 10 min or so. The weather is nice so it won't be too cold for them.
They are called runner ducks for a reason!!! At 10 days old they will happily trot behind you and try to keep up with you. They are fast. Watch that you don't step on them when they get under foot.

The more exercise they get, the stronger their legs will become. Also, don't be alarmed if some of them go through a shakey leg period around week two or three. They'll grow out of it, but some supplemental niacin isn't a bad idea. There's lots of info about that on this site.

Enjoy them! They'll never be as small as they are right now and you will be amazed at how quickly they grow up.

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