Dead 6 day old chick


In the Brooder
Feb 28, 2025
Hello, this is my first post. We just purchased 6 female Turkens last Friday, Tigeress (my husband called her) started out Wednesday normal. By the afternoon, she was noticeably sleeping more and moving slower. When she stood her head would droop to the ground. She had yellow diarrhea, she wasn’t eating or drinking even though I was dipping her beak. She had been eating and drinking fine before. I put electrolytes and probiotics in their water, all other chicks are still acting normal as of Friday night. She died sometime between 1-4am yesterday 💔 She was the same size as her sisters so I don’t think it was failure to thrive. They are on medicated starter feed so I don’t believe it’s coccidiosis either. What would kill a chick so fast?
Coccidiosis is still a possibility, even with medicated starter feed.

If it's not failure to thrive, my next guess would be coccidiosis because it kills chicks fast. If you have corid, you might consider treating the rest.
Where do you get it? And wouldn’t it have hit all of them at the same time?
Are you in the US? If so, you can find it at Tractor Supply. I'm not sure if they'd all get sick at the same time. When I had a bout of coccidiosis, some of my chicks showed signs and some didn't. Let me tag some more experienced folks and they may be able to answer.

@Debbie292d @Kiki
Yup I am in Texas. Aw thanks I really appreciate the help!
Hello, this is my first post. We just purchased 6 female Turkens last Friday, Tigeress (my husband called her) started out Wednesday normal. By the afternoon, she was noticeably sleeping more and moving slower. When she stood her head would droop to the ground. She had yellow diarrhea, she wasn’t eating or drinking even though I was dipping her beak. She had been eating and drinking fine before. I put electrolytes and probiotics in their water, all other chicks are still acting normal as of Friday night. She died sometime between 1-4am yesterday 💔 She was the same size as her sisters so I don’t think it was failure to thrive. They are on medicated starter feed so I don’t believe it’s coccidiosis either. What would kill a chick so fast?
Can you post a picture of the area that you're keeping them in and do you happen to have a thermometer handy?
Hello, this is my first post. We just purchased 6 female Turkens last Friday, Tigeress (my husband called her) started out Wednesday normal. By the afternoon, she was noticeably sleeping more and moving slower. When she stood her head would droop to the ground. She had yellow diarrhea, she wasn’t eating or drinking even though I was dipping her beak. She had been eating and drinking fine before. I put electrolytes and probiotics in their water, all other chicks are still acting normal as of Friday night. She died sometime between 1-4am yesterday 💔 She was the same size as her sisters so I don’t think it was failure to thrive. They are on medicated starter feed so I don’t believe it’s coccidiosis either. What would kill a chick so fast?
Welcome To BYC

Can you post photos of your brooder setup, the chicks and their poop?

How old are they?

How warm is your brooder, temperature on the warm and cool sides?

Chicks can still have Coccidiosis even while on medicated feed, so treating for that may be a good idea.
I’ve only had coccidiosis once a few years ago when I bought preordered chicks though our local feed mill. One of 8 showed the classic fluffed up, standing around, listless signs off possible coccidiosis. We went to TSC and got the liquid Corid. That one died and three more got sick. No bloody poop ever seen, just the same puffed up and standing around. When all was said and done, 3 of 8 lived.

Then our neighbor told me she got 12 turkey poults from there and same thing, 4 of 12 survived. We don’t know what else it could have been but coccidiosis, but neither of us has lost a chick, duck, quail, poult since. Neither of us will step foot in that feed mill for anything.

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