Dead pill bugs in chicken feed?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 5, 2014
I keep my feed in a plastic sterlite bin with a swivel lid, kept inside a small plastic shed. This morning there were about 20 dead pull bugs on top of the feed...

1) what happened?
2) is the food considered bad?
3) is it safe to feed my chickens or should I pick them out?
Not pill bugs (Crustacean: Isopod). Insect lifestage (pupae or larvae). I am looking into what various meal worm beetle pupae look like. Some fly life-stages may look similar.
If black fly larvae developed in feed, then moisture content of feed to high at some point. Other reasons from me would be speculation. If birds eat feed readily, then it is likely OK. If they are slow to eat it or show other issues, then swap it out.
Insects in feed indicate a problem; old feed and/ or poor storage conditions. I've learned to always check the date on the feed bags, and only store a few week's worth at a time, in the original bags, in a metal garbage can. The vitamins degrade over time, so it does matter. In over twenty years, I've never had bugs in the feed here. Mary
Black fly larvae would not grow under conditions that would also not produce lots of mold in feed. Such feed would be highly clumped. Black Soldier Fly larvae are very mobile at end of last instar. They could have gotten into feed stream between milling and bagging. Also look into supplier carrying Dried Black Soldier Fly Larvae as animal feed. Package date of feeds should always be considered.

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