Delawares: Personality. What's your experience?

We got a Delaware rooster to watch our 15 hens last year, he was about 16 weeks old when we added him. He integrated pretty well (especially when adults were separated from the younger pullets that were his age), and eventually instilled a sense of discipline over the flock. He was very polite to all hens, always called them over for delicious treats. He saved them from a hawk numerous times. Unfortunately, he lost his life in January, at about nine months of age, while he was defending the flock from that hawk. While mourning, we decided to put all of the eggs in an incubator, and we're now entering day 21 with some of his offspring hatching.

We also got this rooster from a local breeder, and his father also had reputable traits (protects the ladies, doesn't abuse any hens, doesn't attack humans, large).

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