Depression Era Quilt Block Swap----- Sign-up now CLOSED

Okay, long story short...the six I had together I measured...13", so they are on the side...I fussy cut down the squares, now have nine put together and cutting more fabric as I go...this block to me needs an engineer status, which I will have when done ( probably the most difficult I have done)...4 more to go and off to send the beginning of the week after my weekend from work, but it is all worth it in the end
I do like this block
What a fun idea, Acre. But, the more I think about it, I would have to clean up the mess. That would take away from sewing time. We have enough messes to clean up around here.

I've have enough squares for twelve more blocks. I thought as long as I was cutting and sewing triangles into squares I might as well make enough to make a larger quilt. I think there are a few other swappers that are doing the same thing. Great minds think alike!!!LOL
ONLY 8 DAYS left. OH, that's right I'm done.
And Acre has them. How silly of me.
That felt so good to say that. Now on to another 27 blocks I need to do.

This is 4 blocks together. (not sewed) Sorry it's from here
only we used 5 strip sets that's how we got the little green block in the middle.

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These don't look anything like my blocks......*gasp* Did I do mine wrong????
Or, is this the wrong thread for the right blocks......

These are beautiful the block a lot!

Don't freak out CCMH....this is a swap on a totally other forum that ginbart is working on.
I'm done - hope to be sending in the mail either tomorrow or Monday. Depending if I can get to the Post Office before it closes to get return envelope ready.


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