Derperella, the (weird) Faverolles, & Friends

Quote: At least he is still doing okay! This morning he launched himself across the basement while I had stepped out to take care of the girls... I found him near the couch, with a trail of gross cecal poops between him and his chair! Thanks for those special presents, Baron Rufflerump!!
So I guess he is feeling pretty spunky!

Things are maybe looking up a bit! It's great to hear that a) it MAY not be Marek's and b) that he's feeling up to trying to scoot around the basement (and leave you proof along the way!)

Bluberrychickens may have a good idea there - if you set up a gofundme (or similar) page then I'm sure that there are plenty of people who would be happy to contribute a bit to the Baron's medical costs. We all know how much you care about your flock, and how much you contribute to the BYC community. You always share your experiences - good or bad - in order to help the rest of us, and it would be good if we could give a little back to you, the Baron and the whole Derp flock. In a way you could say that it's an investment for us all - you have already given us so much information about Marek's, Clostridium Perfringens etc, and what you find out now will no doubt help some of us further down the line.
Or if you're against outright charity, you could sell some aceo's for a nice sum here as a fundraiser. I bet the Derp ones would go fast. ;)

Very glad to hear it's likely not Marek's, and hopefully whatever it turns out to be is easily treated.
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Also catching up on the posts and glad their is a good possibility of it not being Mareks. And the vaccine that you bought was good, and should work in the future for the Baron's and Millie's relatives. I did not think about lead posioning, I know it can hurt and effect various raptor species but didn't think about chickens. Apparently their is literature online on lead posioning, do you think Nambroth you can borrow or rent a metal detector and case out the areas where the chickens are ? Becaue I know metal detectors will find lead or brass type shot, so you can prevent future lead posionings, if that is what effected Baron. I know around in my area of VA where we have a lot of battle sites, dogs who eat rocks have eaten and injured themselves eating antique bullets and even minature cannon balls. So at least Barron can't get those down his gullet !!!
Fud Lady, I have a xxs doggy life vest, neon orange. I bought it many months ago because it was 90% off at Tuesday Morning's clearance sale. I couldn't resist. I don't have a dog, I don't know anyone with a dog small enough to wear it. Or people that swim their dogs period.

Whenever I acquire things at clearance sales, I do it with the hopes that somewhere along the line I will find someone that needs it.

I would be thrilled if this would be of use in Baron's rehab. The dog specifics are: weight 0-6 lbs. length 6.5 inches, Neck girth 7-9 inches, body girth 11-17 inches. There is a grip strap on the back to support the dog(chickens) back, even a ring to attach a leash.
It has many Velcro & strap adjustments

Even if it didn't fit great - it would still make him buoyant. In this awful weather - maybe you could try using a laundry tub.

If you would like to have it just pm me, and I will get it off to you.
Probably not Marek's... at least, not an active infection/symptoms of it, as it would be much more easily detected in his blood.

This actually brings up more questions than it answers, but for now, I'll roll with it in case we can figure this out.

My theory, as someone that is hardly an expert, is that he has Marek's... all of my birds do, as they have all been exposed... but he is not actively symptomatic and thus it is not in his blood stream, but instead is latent in other cells in his body. If he had active, raging Marek's causing paralysis and an immune response (as guessed via his bloodwork), we should have found Marek's virus markers in his PCR testing.

Of note, lead toxicity can cause the same elevated white blood count that we observed....

Again I am just a layperson, trying to puzzle this out. Hardly an expert.

At least he is still doing okay! This morning he launched himself across the basement while I had stepped out to take care of the girls... I found him near the couch, with a trail of gross cecal poops between him and his chair! Thanks for those special presents, Baron Rufflerump!!
So I guess he is feeling pretty spunky!
What a wonderful Valentine today!! Still praying for the boy and I would assume this is treatable then? Oh i gave a hoot when i read it then had to explain t hubby what all the excitement was!
Fud Lady,  I have a  xxs doggy life vest, neon orange.  I bought it many months ago because it was 90% off at Tuesday Morning's clearance sale.  I couldn't resist.   I don't have a dog, I don't know anyone with a dog small enough to wear it. Or people that  swim their dogs period.

Whenever I acquire things at clearance sales, I do it with the hopes that somewhere along the line I will find someone that needs it.

I would be thrilled if this would be of use in Baron's rehab.  The dog specifics are:  weight 0-6 lbs.  length 6.5 inches, Neck girth 7-9 inches,  body girth 11-17 inches.  There is a grip strap on the back to  support the dog(chickens) back, even a ring to attach a leash.
It has many Velcro  & strap adjustments

Even if it didn't fit great - it would still make him buoyant.  In this awful weather  - maybe you could try using a laundry tub.

If you would like to have it just pm me, and I will get it off to you.

Drumstick, there really IS a reason why we do what we do.... I hope nambroth tries the water exercises :love
The Baron crowing (must be fun now that he's a house chicken), and Mildred laying eggs - that's all excellent news! What size are they? .....

How did Mildred react to her first egg? .....

Hah! Well, at least for now, I don't have to worry about an alarm clock. His crow is louder than Trouser's crow... but still much, MUCH quieter than the other breeds of rooster I've had (Plymouth Rock and Easter Eggers!).
Millie's eggs are pretty small still... pretty normal for a newly laying hen. I don't know how she reacted, as she laid it very early in the morning... but she didn't sing.

Phew on the negative Marek test results!! But I guess that also deepens the mystery of what is going on with him. You should launch a kickstarter or a gofundme page for fundraising efforts of chicken vet bills! You can ask for any sort of fundraising donations. You should check into it....a friend of mine did it for his dog and raised several hundred $$$. Can't hurt to look into it.
Glad to hear the rest of the flock is doing ok with the never ending brutal winter we are having this year. I've had quite enough of it myself, so much that we are escaping the northeast for Costa Rica on Monday. I might just have to miss my flight home! (But then I'd miss all my critters...)
Happy very belated birthday too Nambroth!!

I know that Kickstarter can't be used to things like this, kickstarter is about making an end result, like a project or product. Gofundme and a few others, I think, are more for charity and helping people out. Still, unless our finances get dire, I feel very strange taking donations!
Thank you for the birthday wishes!

Things are maybe looking up a bit! It's great to hear that a) it MAY not be Marek's and b) that he's feeling up to trying to scoot around the basement (and leave you proof along the way!)

Bluberrychickens may have a good idea there - if you set up a gofundme (or similar) page then I'm sure that there are plenty of people who would be happy to contribute a bit to the Baron's medical costs. We all know how much you care about your flock, and how much you contribute to the BYC community. You always share your experiences - good or bad - in order to help the rest of us, and it would be good if we could give a little back to you, the Baron and the whole Derp flock. In a way you could say that it's an investment for us all - you have already given us so much information about Marek's, Clostridium Perfringens etc, and what you find out now will no doubt help some of us further down the line.

Thank you. I'm so glad that the information I've shared has helped even one person, one time! That's what this is all about, to me. I will consider donations, but for now, I am just trying to earn my money. I'm a stubborn/proud person that way I guess!

Or if you're against outright charity, you could sell some aceo's for a nice sum here as a fundraiser. I bet the Derp ones would go fast.

Very glad to hear it's likely not Marek's, and hopefully whatever it turns out to be is easily treated.

That's a great idea. Maybe I will offer small chicken portrait commissions. I love drawing them anyhow, so it would be a win-win situation!!

Also catching up on the posts and glad their is a good possibility of it not being Mareks. And the vaccine that you bought was good, and should work in the future for the Baron's and Millie's relatives. I did not think about lead posioning, I know it can hurt and effect various raptor species but didn't think about chickens. Apparently their is literature online on lead posioning, do you think Nambroth you can borrow or rent a metal detector and case out the areas where the chickens are ? Becaue I know metal detectors will find lead or brass type shot, so you can prevent future lead posionings, if that is what effected Baron. I know around in my area of VA where we have a lot of battle sites, dogs who eat rocks have eaten and injured themselves eating antique bullets and even minature cannon balls. So at least Barron can't get those down his gullet !!!

We actually have a metal detector. If it can find lead shot it might be worth it to try. Still, finding individual BB sized pieces will be a real challenge in our thick "lawn" (more like a low field sometimes!). I will try it, once the snow is off.
I know that lead shot has been a long standing problem for waterfowl; it is why it is now illegal to use it and hunters must use steel as it does not harm animals if it is mistaken for stones and ingested.

Fud Lady, I have a xxs doggy life vest, neon orange. I bought it many months ago because it was 90% off at Tuesday Morning's clearance sale. I couldn't resist. I don't have a dog, I don't know anyone with a dog small enough to wear it. Or people that swim their dogs period.

Whenever I acquire things at clearance sales, I do it with the hopes that somewhere along the line I will find someone that needs it.

I would be thrilled if this would be of use in Baron's rehab. The dog specifics are: weight 0-6 lbs. length 6.5 inches, Neck girth 7-9 inches, body girth 11-17 inches. There is a grip strap on the back to support the dog(chickens) back, even a ring to attach a leash.
It has many Velcro & strap adjustments

Even if it didn't fit great - it would still make him buoyant. In this awful weather - maybe you could try using a laundry tub.

If you would like to have it just pm me, and I will get it off to you.

Thank you so much for the offer!! Do you think it would hold him and allow his legs to kick freely? I am worried, since it is built for a 4-legged dog, that it would tip him forward or backward. Hmm!! Let me see what we found out about the lead test, and talk to the vet, and I will let you know next week, okay? This is very generous of you and truly I do appreciate it! I would need to buy a laundry tub or something deep and large enough to put enough water in. He is too big for the standard rubbermaid storage totes!!

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