dh on my nerves.

We got one for a granddaughter. They were moving just a few months before granddaughter was due, so didn't know what their housing would be, but wanted to be able to move the baby from room to room so she could be with daughter and her active toddler as he played. Next granddaughter also used it.
Compromise, Set your budget for what you will buy and don't go over it. If the swing is something she dearly wants and you do have help then get that and then try some of the wonderful consignments stores or even craigslist. ( go with someone and don't bring your daughter, people are nuts) I had my hubby pick up most of what I needed for our unexpected 4th used. ( everything was passed on to other cause well she really was unexpected). The couple new things I really had my heart set on we budgeted for. I think if he knows what the limit is maybe he would be less likely to fuss. My dad is like that. We won't go over $200. And he will say something like " thats all, I thought you guys had already blew past that." They just see the stuff, or hear about stuff being bought and freak at times because all they know is it had to cost a lot.
I've got a very similar one for my baby (having him in 6 weeks..)

but if you want to go the non-travel route, try ikea. Over here they've got a non-drop-side one for less than £40, so they probably have something similarly cheap over there.

never get a second hand car seat, and make sure if you do go the 2nd hand route for the baby's bed (whatever type you end up getting) that you buy a new mattress.

otherwise, try local newspapers (do they have for sale ads in them over there?), garage sales, that kind of thing. I got a lovely baby bath and a baby gym with music and flashing lights very cheaply at a car boot sale this weekend
If you have the money..(which you must, if you were going to buy the swing..)
Then just go buy the swing...
It wouldnt even be a question for me if i really wanted it...
Really, people make things much harder/stressful than they need to be.
You should never need your husbands approval to buy something IF all the bills are paid up...
Go get the swing... and then put your hubby in it to shut him up.... give him a pacifier too while youre at it...

ETA: Although..i do agree with the others that say to look on CL and such.. you can find almost brand new baby stuff on there for pretty cheap.
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$170 for a SWING? That is nuts.

My sister found one of the really cool ones that can go back and forth, rotate, music, the whole shebang for like $30 on craigslist.

Maybe hunting for a bargain in the swing department will make him a little easier about the more expensive crib.

After all, it's the crib that really takes the beating... you all remember the Lemme Out Boogie right?
AND you can get a crib that converts to a toddler bed, so you get more use out of it.

Leastways that would be my plan... a little sneaky... but sometimes sneaky is the order of the day.
My DS hated his swing. It was from a resale shop & was really glad I paid so little for it, since it didn't get much use.

$170 is not much money, IF you have the cash to spend... IF you won't be paying it off over time... IF $170 isn't your food budget for a month. We can't know that.
My husband gripes about $$$$ all the time, some people do. HOWEVER, if y'all are struggling, if you carry credit card debt or live paycheck to paycheck, I think you can find other ways to show your daughter how excited you are about this sweet baby.
PFFT! If I did that I would so be in the dog house. I try and respect my husbands decisions, he doesn't put much on them, but we must talk about any purchases over $50, I would like him to do the same. I much perfer living in peace. I so choose my battles. I would get really ticked if he went ahead and did something that I had asked hom not to do. Wouldn't you be mad if your husband did. Its just common consideration.
There isn't much that I don't get from my husband, if he says no, I know that no matter how much nagging all i will do is tick him off. There are better ways, talking about it in passing, doing sweet things, and letting him get his way on something he knows I would normally balk at.

Now for the OP this is what i have noticed and I have a lot of kids.
First of males have a hard time connecting until the baby is born. My husband is the most protective mother hen, they could do no wrong, we get into arguments at how much he buys them stuff that is not neccassary.
But while I'm pregnant, there is no connection, he can't imagine loving them the same as the others, get bored baby shopping everything. B ut once they are born, POW he's hooked. If you still want it, ask once the baby is born.
The other thing is with my first I wanted everything the best and brand new! There was no talking me out of it. The second not as much, and the rest definatly not! I would search for used in good condtion, at thrift shops , concignment shops, people who would give me stuff. And then I would sell it for the same price as I bought, since they used it soooo little. With new stuff think of it like a new car, once its taken out the value drops. But good gently used stuff can be sold for nearly the same price!!!!
Just a little advice.
there is one thing i am getting ready to spend 100 dollars on that is baby related..a rocking chair for myself and a little one for my girl so we can sit outside in the evenings and rock our babies together

PFFT! If I did that I would so be in the dog house. I try and respect my husbands decisions, he doesn't put much on them, but we must talk about any purchases over $50, I would like him to do the same. I much perfer living in peace. I so choose my battles. I would get really ticked if he went ahead and did something that I had asked hom not to do. Wouldn't you be mad if your husband did. Its just common consideration.
There isn't much that I don't get from my husband, if he says no, I know that no matter how much nagging all i will do is tick him off. There are better ways, talking about it in passing, doing sweet things, and letting him get his way on something he knows I would normally balk at.

Now for the OP this is what i have noticed and I have a lot of kids.
First of males have a hard time connecting until the baby is born. My husband is the most protective mother hen, they could do no wrong, we get into arguments at how much he buys them stuff that is not neccassary.
But while I'm pregnant, there is no connection, he can't imagine loving them the same as the others, get bored baby shopping everything. B ut once they are born, POW he's hooked. If you still want it, ask once the baby is born.
The other thing is with my first I wanted everything the best and brand new! There was no talking me out of it. The second not as much, and the rest definatly not! I would search for used in good condtion, at thrift shops , concignment shops, people who would give me stuff. And then I would sell it for the same price as I bought, since they used it soooo little. With new stuff think of it like a new car, once its taken out the value drops. But good gently used stuff can be sold for nearly the same price!!!!
Just a little advice.

I agree.. its common consideration...
If i want something and we have the money for it.. well then.. ... there shouldnt be a problem. My husband would never dare to tell me no i couldnt buy something that i wanted if we had the money in the bank.. That would be so very unkind and rude of him... he'd never even dare try it with me...
And also the same goes for him.. if he really wants something and we have the money for it.. well then.. why would i tell him no?? Again.. i find that pretty rude to do to someone thats an adult.
But thats just how we are... to each their own lives... its none of my business how others choose to live...
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Oh man, you just reminded me of Wheel of Time...

The young bucks ask their dads for advice on women and they tell them "Let them have their way on stuff you don't care about so that when it's something you do you can have your way and they'll be so shocked you actually want something that they'll go along with no fuss"

The young ladies ask their moms for advice on men and they tell them "Let them have their way on stuff you don't care about so that when it's something you do you can have your way and they'll be so shocked you actually want something that they'll go along with no fuss"

Always cracked me up.

Like y'all said, we don't know their money situation so it's hard to offer advice. But when it comes to baby stuff there is just SO much. Crib and Swing are just the tip of the iceburg... let's not forget the stroller, carseat (maybe a combo of the two), changing table, toys, toys toys, clothes clothes, clothes (that they outgrow SO fast), blankets, and sheets, and bumper pads, not to mention diapers, bottles, wipes, ointments, mylacon drops (A MUST!), lotions and potions and itty bitty jars of food, utensils, bibs (I wuv my Daddy), wallpaper, paint, drapes, shelves, hooks, johnny jumper/walker... the list goes on and on and on...

If he asks you not to spend $170 on a single item that may or may not be a hit/get used (our son loved his vibrating chair for all of two weeks then couldn't stand it, so glad it was a cheap thrift store buy) and you go out and do it anyways you're going to be in for a WAR if you want to chip in on anything else on the very long and ongoing list.

That's why I'd at least TRY to find a less expensive option... even if you don't go that way at least you could show him you did TRY to take his opinion into consideration.

And definitely harp on the fact that three people are going in on it so y'all's share will only be $56...

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