Diamotaceous Earth & Reduced Egg Laying

I wonder, if this time of year has more to do then adding the DE? Chickens are sweet commented on adding light. I choose not to do that for various reasons, maybe first and foremost, there is no electric near my chicken coop.

But, that being said, I have had a reduction in eggs in last 2 weeks, which I firmly place with reduction in daylight and cloudy days. I think it is normal. We are also going through our first molt which probably has a lot to do with it to. But I have used DE and it makes me wonder if it was coincidental.

Good luck.
I have a very bad problem with ants in my area. I've been using DE in the feed for the chickens as well as the dogs and have found that the poo smell for both is almost non existent and have had no problem getting them to lay one egg each day from each one. As for food grade quality I do not use it I use the Red Earth brand that has some clay about 10% it's cheaper and it is used in cattle and horse feed as well as other livestock you just have to use no more than 10% ratio to feed.

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