I've had 10 chickens for about 2 years. Black Australorps and RIRs. They have eaten NCO (organic) feed the whole time. They eat almost none of the powdered supplements. Wet or dry, it matters not. I also tried crumble and pellets. No change. They have access to crushed oyster shells and oyster shell flakes.
Except for what falls from the sky, our property and home are chemical-free. They have free-ranged the whole time. I've cleaned their sleeping area daily the whole time.
Their lives are peaceful and free. They have had diarrhea for about the past year. A vet tested 3 bird poop samples and said they were free from parasites. In addition to diarrhea, their egg production has gradually fallen off. Some days are zero. The most they lay is 4. Some of the shells are so thin that if another bird climbs in, it smashes. I often find a shell-less, splatted egg in the morning which was dropped from a (nighttime) roost bar. I've resorted to lining their 4x6 sleeping area with medical disposable table covers for ease of cleaning and so I can see what's going on.
It seems like they might have egg drop syndrome. It is primarily spread by wild water fowl which has never landed here. No water or pond, here. I don't know what to do. And, if I start over with new birds, how will they not get it, too?
Except for what falls from the sky, our property and home are chemical-free. They have free-ranged the whole time. I've cleaned their sleeping area daily the whole time.
Their lives are peaceful and free. They have had diarrhea for about the past year. A vet tested 3 bird poop samples and said they were free from parasites. In addition to diarrhea, their egg production has gradually fallen off. Some days are zero. The most they lay is 4. Some of the shells are so thin that if another bird climbs in, it smashes. I often find a shell-less, splatted egg in the morning which was dropped from a (nighttime) roost bar. I've resorted to lining their 4x6 sleeping area with medical disposable table covers for ease of cleaning and so I can see what's going on.
It seems like they might have egg drop syndrome. It is primarily spread by wild water fowl which has never landed here. No water or pond, here. I don't know what to do. And, if I start over with new birds, how will they not get it, too?