Did anyone see Glenn Beck tonight?

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that's why he predicted this middle east unrest almost a year ago? How he was the first to broach the subject of the taliban in libya (who we're helping) etc? Do you realize he's close to 85% correct in his predictions in the last few years? Sort of funny for somebody who is a fearmonger...

Oh yeah.. when he started pushing us to invest in gold? Yeah.. well it has quadrupled in price so that alone is worth listening to.. as some of us made out like bandits
that's why he predicted this middle east unrest almost a year ago? How he was the first to broach the subject of the taliban in libya (who we're helping) etc? Do you realize he's close to 85% correct in his predictions in the last few years? Sort of funny for somebody who is a fearmonger...

Oh yeah.. when he started pushing us to invest in gold? Yeah.. well it has quadrupled in price so that alone is worth listening to.. as some of us made out like bandits

Are we really helping the Taliban in Libya? Please give us more information. I've heard a lot about Libya in the past month but nothing about Taliban. Did he predict Obama taking out Osama? Predictions are pretty easy to make. I think if you do a fact check on the Beckster you might find out that he is mostly just a fear monger.

I'll predict that gold will start losing value in the next 2 years. My advice would be to start selling before too long. Then it will come back during the next dip in this recession. Sell high and buy low.
Fox didn't dump him.. Check your facts lol

Just checked my facts Boyd. Type in "Glenn Beck and Fox" on Google. There are 5 reputable rags including the Christian Monitor that say he was dumped effective later this year. Reason is low ratings. All of his fear mongering, hysteria and conspiracy theories turn off too many viewers. He's lost a million viewers out of 5.9 at his high point. He's also lost most of his big advertisers. Fox is more about making money than spreading the word I guess.

If they changed their mind and took him back show me the article.
that's why he predicted this middle east unrest almost a year ago? How he was the first to broach the subject of the taliban in libya (who we're helping) etc? Do you realize he's close to 85% correct in his predictions in the last few years? Sort of funny for somebody who is a fearmonger...

Oh yeah.. when he started pushing us to invest in gold? Yeah.. well it has quadrupled in price so that alone is worth listening to.. as some of us made out like bandits

Are we really helping the Taliban in Libya? Please give us more information. I've heard a lot about Libya in the past month but nothing about Taliban. Did he predict Obama taking out Osama? Predictions are pretty easy to make. I think if you do a fact check on the Beckster you might find out that he is mostly just a fear monger.

I'll predict that gold will start losing value in the next 2 years. My advice would be to start selling before too long. Then it will come back during the next dip in this recession. Sell high and buy low.

Actually, Al Quaeda has been backing the Libyan rebels. By funding the rebels, we are by extension funding Al Qaeda. As if that's surprising in the least. We frickin' CREATED Al Qaeda.
i can't stand his tv show

his radio show is funny when it's them all joking around, but then..... he starts... talking...... really slowly..... and everyone else..... stops talking...... and it...... gets on......... my nerves................. so i......... turn him............. off.
He.....has to........talk.......slow. There are too many folks that can'tunderstandfasttalk.
Are we really helping the Taliban in Libya? Please give us more information. I've heard a lot about Libya in the past month but nothing about Taliban. Did he predict Obama taking out Osama? Predictions are pretty easy to make. I think if you do a fact check on the Beckster you might find out that he is mostly just a fear monger.

I'll predict that gold will start losing value in the next 2 years. My advice would be to start selling before too long. Then it will come back during the next dip in this recession. Sell high and buy low.

Actually, Al Quaeda has been backing the Libyan rebels. By funding the rebels, we are by extension funding Al Qaeda. As if that's surprising in the least. We frickin' CREATED Al Qaeda.

I think you're stretching that a bit, even if Al Qaeda is really funding the Libyan freedom fighters AKA rebels. It would just be putting us on the same side. Of course if the rebels are going to embrace Al Qaeda when all is said and done then we have a problem. I have more faith in Obama than that though. He's quite a bit brighter than the last guy.

So are the conservatives actually backing Khadaffi? The glorious leader that massacres his own people. Tell me it ain't true. Would they actually back him just to be at odds with the POTUS? Please fill me in.
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Sorry Becksters. He lost a million viewers. About 20% of his audience because of his tin foil hat. Do a little research on the sponsors that dropped out. He can claim all day long that he had too much control so Murducks wife told her husband to drop him. What do you expect from an extreme egomaniac like Beck. Do you really think Murdocks wife tells him what to do? Really.

Sponsors don't stand behind extremists, unless the extremist can keep his ratings up. Beck just couldn't keep it up for that long. Good entertainer, self professed clown. Message didn't appeal to enough people though. Maybe he can start a reality show.
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