Did anyone see Glenn Beck tonight?

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I think extremists are falling out of favor. people are getting tired of them. There for a while, particularly in the Bush administration when it was the in thing to scream that if you criticized the President you were unpatriotic, and that you had to be one side or another.

But people are getting tired of this extremist view of black and white. Americans are very "trendy" even in politics. Which is sad. It makes us, as a whole, inconsistent. Before it was "vote or die" by even that one rap artist, what ever his name was.

Now, fewer and fewer people are paying attention to the government again and only the people who think, people who care, and the extremists (or all of the above) pay attention to politics again.

I am only speaking from my observation. I see trends in the media, in commercials, popular music, and various tv shows. I don't pigeon hole myself to one type of show, history , news, fox, daily show. I usually have the tv on in the back ground while I do chores and I try to keep something different on because I believe it is important to broaden our horizons, not just focus on one type of group like Fox and Glen Beck, even if I don't agree with them.

Anyhow, by keeping an eye and ear on all the different TV and media groups, I have notices a shift back away from constantly covering the ultra patriotic attitudes. It could be that Americans are getting bored, as we often do. Or it could be he rash of extremist behaviors, including the shooting of Gabriele Gifford by a political extremist who was spured by media encouragement of extremism.

That is just my observation. I have no idea if that made any sense.
Glenn Beck's downfall was that he refused to fall in lock-step with the mainstream media and dared to encourage people to think for themselves and not believe everything they were spoon fed. Gee, what a novel concept.
He refused to be a lemming that followed some of the "others" off of the cliff-therefore, he is labeled an extremist.
So much for Freedom of Speech...guess that only applies in certain circumstances?
Freedom of speech does not equate to having a network sponsor your speech.

He is free to start his own network and spread his special joy that way if he wants to.
Beck was created by the same people that created the TP's. He and Palin are their leaders. After the 2010 elections people have figured out that it's all the same old BS. The TP is only making things worse with their extremism. Government doesn't work that way. It is a system that requires compromise. Beck was very popular for a while but his flame is burning low. Kind of like a one hit wonder band. People have figured out that he's just in it for himself like everyone else.
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