Did I just hurt my chicken with permethrin 10?!?


In the Brooder
Jul 15, 2022
Has anyone ever had a chicken react negatively to permethrin 10 soak? I found mites on a hen and soaked her for one min diluting 1.5 oz in just over a gallon of water. She’s standing as if she’s sick and walking slow and funny and hanging out in the corner of the room. She’s also moving her neck back and forth in a funny way. Is that just because she’s wet or did I just do more damage? Have you ever heard of it being toxic to them? I’m so freaked out that I hurt her.
Can you post a picture of the exact product you used?
Soaking chickens in water is very stress full for them and it alone can kill them. She may be in shock.
Where did you read to soak your chicken in permethrin? Did you use Permethrin 10 concentrate? If that is used as a spray, you would use 1 tsp/5 ml in a quart of water, and use 15 ml of that diluted liquid as a spray. Does she have mites or lice? I would be tempted to soak her in warm water to dilute the soak, and then dry her off and get her warm with a towel and then a blow dryer. If she is very weak, or in shock, the soak may be too dangerous. But do get her dry and warm.
Where did you read to soak your chicken in permethrin? Did you use Permethrin 10 concentrate? If that is used as a spray, you would use 1 tsp/5 ml in a quart of water, and use 15 ml of that diluted liquid as a spray. Does she have mites or lice? I would be tempted to soak her in warm water to dilute the soak, and then dry her off and get her warm with a towel and then a blow dryer. If she is very weak, or in shock, the soak may be too dangerous. But do get her dry and warm.
I read on some chicken groups and saw a video on line how people used permethrin soaks on their flocks. She is acting weak. I have her under a heat lamp. I was thinking of a warm water soak but I’m afraid it will be too much. I’m go I feel absolutely terrible right now!
Where did you read to soak your chicken in permethrin? Did you use Permethrin 10 concentrate? If that is used as a spray, you would use 1 tsp/5 ml in a quart of water, and use 15 ml of that diluted liquid as a spray. Does she have mites or lice? I would be tempted to soak her in warm water to dilute the soak, and then dry her off and get her warm with a towel and then a blow dryer. If she is very weak, or in shock, the soak may be too dangerous. But do get her dry and warm.
Yes she has mites
Can you post a picture of the exact product you used?
Soaking chickens in water is very stress full for them and it alone can kill them. She may be in shock.


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That is the product that I gave dosage for in my last post. Give her some water with 1 tsp of sugar per cup of room temp water, to treat her for shock. Don’t bathe her then. Let us know if she gets better overnight. Keep the lamp far enough away, and try not to get her overheated. A blow dryer might get her dry and warm enough without the lamp.
I have soaks some of my girls before when they had dirty butts and they’ve always been ok. I tried to see how other treat their chickens with mites and heard and read about the soaks. Now I’m seeing how people spray them too. I just feel terrible. She’s actually walking around a bit and preening a little. I’m just scared if I try and rinse her off it will be too much for her

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