Did I plant this thing correctly? (Blue Sea Holly)

Bet they're happy as pigs in mud. I hope they've forgotten their sad life before YOU got them!
AT LAST AT PATIENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! jumping round yeahhahahahahahahahahahah ...

ahhh Miss Maple, please step this way into our surgery......no no don't worry we are certified
Dr's....we got our certificates at the Uni of BYC...... no don't go Maple.....WYNETTEEEEEEEE hold her down!!!! qick now..........wynette hands EC the scalpel....no no Maple this won't hurt....... more than a little....................ready Wynette? ................. EC stands poised over the patients neck...................just one little nick....... oppssssss WYNETTE you knocked my hand.... pass me that clean up thingy to wipe the blood....................have you got the cat gut ready for sutures? .............Wynette...git out of that sluice room...you got a bottle of wine in there.?
Oh....um.....the wine is for disinfecting....yes! Disinfecting! A bit for Maple, a bit for you, EC, a slosh or two for me.... WHEEEE!!!!!

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