Did this egg die?


Jun 30, 2022
North Coralina
Hi so I bought some call duck eggs off of Ebay. So far, 5 out of the 6 that made it have ducklings growing. They all seem to be doing fine besides egg 5. Egg 5 had a detached aircell but was growing fine, they are all on day 13 now and I just candled egg 5, the duckling is no longer moving and I can't see any veins, is it safe to say this baby died? :(
Can you post some pictures please?
Screenshot 2024-05-12 151629.png
Screenshot 2024-05-12 151622.png
Screenshot 2024-05-12 151611.png

Its hard to see, I was trying my best candling + taking pictures alone ^^' but the dark spot is the duckling, its not moving at all and I can't find any veins.

I would leave it I hade a goose egg that did the same, but I left it and it hatched into a healthy gosling
I plan on leaving it for another 5-7 days to see if it'll come back, I really hope it does :(

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