Difference in growth rates


Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Oct 11, 2013
Hi All,

I got my baby chicks on September 16th, though they all were hatched purportedly around the 11th. I’m seeing a big difference in growth rates. My silver laced Wyandotte weighed in at 105 grams this morning, whereas my buff Orpington and my barred rock each weighed in at 69 grams. The australorp and ameraucana weighed in around 88 grams. Should I be concerned? Should I separate the buff and the barred to a brooder on their own? They don’t seem to be having any problem getting to the food.


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We got really worried on a couple of chicks, turns out they are minis , perfect little buggers, just small.

She’s about 8 months, and have another that’s barred rock.
Our newest chicks are all mixed and there is a noticeable difference in sizes at 1.5 months.
No worries, as long as they are healthy, let ‘em grow at their own pace.
The silver laced Wyandotte might be a male - my two golden laced Wyandotte - bought as str - Bubba and Lucy - had a huge differenChe in size. Right now they are 4 months old and Bubba is a male but still is twice the size of Lucy.

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