Dill's Giant Atlantic pumpkin diary

Whopper leaf
Hey R2elk,
Looking good there!!!! I just take the pedals off the male flower and dab it gently on to the female flower. I use 1 male flower to every 1 female flower. Seems to work good.
Yes, I have also done that. I only do it for the first ones. Once they get going good I let the bees and bugs do the work.
Week #8 update. I’ve got quite a few baby giants growing here and am about to start pinching some off so that there are only 1-2 left on each plant:









This one is the biggest so far:

And the 3 plants I had at the bottom of the hill are not doing too well. I’m not sure if it’s ‘cos it just gets too hot for them down there or if it’s from a lack of compost in the dirt in that area but yeah…I don’t think I can do much about saving them at this point:
This one didn't get pollinated.
And the 3 plants I had at the bottom of the hill are not doing too well. I’m not sure if it’s ‘cos it just gets too hot for them down there or if it’s from a lack of compost in the dirt in that area but yeah…I don’t think I can do much about saving them at this point:
That's what it looks like when they aren't getting enough water.
This one didn't get pollinated.
I’m digging through the leaves trying to find it again lol…I’m thinking about pulling the biggest one off too since something has already eaten a chunk out of it. What you think?:

That's what it looks like when they aren't getting enough water.
Yeah, that’s kinda what I figured too. It was supposed to rain yesterday but didn’t so I had just watered them a lil bit ago. What I need to do is put some compost around them so the moisture holds. The 1 plant that I had previously mentioned earlier this week not doing well had died so there’s only 2 plants left down there.
I’m digging through the leaves trying to find it again lol…I’m thinking about pulling the biggest one off too since something has already eaten a chunk out of it. What you think?:
I would let it grow. You might be surprised how well they heal. Don't know what bit it but mice and voles love them.

No need to find the non-pollinated ones. They will quickly rot off.

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