Disabled Chickens Forum



Premium Feather Member
Oct 15, 2022
Mountville, SC
My Coop
My Coop
I believe there are many members with disabled and geriatric limited mobility chickens that need a place to go to ask questions and share ideas with others experiencing the same challenges.

While I understand there may be a reluctance to add another forum, I would ask you to consider this request analogous to the "raising baby chicks" forum. Raising baby chicks could be in "managing your flock" or specific to feeding and water issues; in "feeding and watering your flock". My guess is that it a separate category because almost everything about raising chicks is different than when the chicks become adults. The same is true for the disabled chicken, how and where they sleep, what they eat, housing, security, wheelchairs and other aids to get around; all of it is different than the healthy non-disabled chicken.

I just adopted my second disabled hen. She is unable to walk. Sometimes she can hop but not far. I spent a considerable amount of time using the search function on BYC to find others who were raising disabled chickens to get ideas about how to improve her quality of life. I found some after an hour of searching, but this is not a sustainable method for getting help for these special chickens. I was more successful finding resources on Google.
I would be interested in a specific section for disabled birds!

My hen Wingsy (the one in my profile picture) needs extra attention compared to my other birds, though she is able to live outside with the rest of the flock. It would be very nice to have a place to discuss anything to do with this topic.
I would be interested in a specific section for disabled birds!

My hen Wingsy (the one in my profile picture) needs extra attention compared to my other birds, though she is able to live outside with the rest of the flock. It would be very nice to have a place to discuss anything to do with this topic.
Wingsy is pretty.
I believe there are many members with disabled and geriatric limited mobility chickens that need a place to go to ask questions and share ideas with others experiencing the same challenges.

While I understand there may be a reluctance to add another forum, I would ask you to consider this request analogous to the "raising baby chicks" forum. Raising baby chicks could be in "managing your flock" or specific to feeding and water issues; in "feeding and watering your flock". My guess is that it a separate category because almost everything about raising chicks is different than when the chicks become adults. The same is true for the disabled chicken, how and where they sleep, what they eat, housing, security, wheelchairs and other aids to get around; all of it is different than the healthy non-disabled chicken.

I just adopted my second disabled hen. She is unable to walk. Sometimes she can hop but not far. I spent a considerable amount of time using the search function on BYC to find others who were raising disabled chickens to get ideas about how to improve her quality of life. I found some after an hour of searching, but this is not a sustainable method for getting help for these special chickens. I was more successful finding resources on Google.
I think that would be a great idea! I have a "disabled" hen who has crossbeak and uneven pupils. I know that is not much of a disability compared with others, but still, wonderful idea for a new forum! Might even help save lives! :thumbsup:highfive:
I believe there are many members with disabled and geriatric limited mobility chickens that need a place to go to ask questions and share ideas with others experiencing the same challenges.

While I understand there may be a reluctance to add another forum, I would ask you to consider this request analogous to the "raising baby chicks" forum. Raising baby chicks could be in "managing your flock" or specific to feeding and water issues; in "feeding and watering your flock". My guess is that it a separate category because almost everything about raising chicks is different than when the chicks become adults. The same is true for the disabled chicken, how and where they sleep, what they eat, housing, security, wheelchairs and other aids to get around; all of it is different than the healthy non-disabled chicken.

I just adopted my second disabled hen. She is unable to walk. Sometimes she can hop but not far. I spent a considerable amount of time using the search function on BYC to find others who were raising disabled chickens to get ideas about how to improve her quality of life. I found some after an hour of searching, but this is not a sustainable method for getting help for these special chickens. I was more successful finding resources on Google.
Absolutely on board with this. Although my boy Walter passed, I rescue lots of injured and disabled birds. A forum specifically for this would be wonderful. Thank you for suggesting it.

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