Dixie Chicks

Ah man, that's heartbreaking for sure. :hugs

I had a lone turkey hen that always clucked when I came home. She knew my car, cause she wouldn't do it if we came home in hubbys vehicle. I sold her at 5 months because she was a lone hatcher, and I still miss her. :(
were doing ham....  and for new years a big pot of beans with the hambone....

I am also going to attempt Candied Yams from scratch...   Oh and doing baby grean beans simply steamed in butter with some parmesan...


I actually don't like ham. :confused: I love most of the other piggy parts (chops, bacon, sausage), but not ham or trotters or snout. It is the traditional Christmas meat for most people I think. Many good wishes from me to you and yours on the feast of Christmas.

@Cold Canadian

I totally follow... and wow. Condolences on the entire ordeal. :hugs

From what I understand coyotes are really surging something frightning in regard to their population.

We have them up here too.... I hear them...but they haven't yet tried to eat my stock.
Sorry briard! I figured they new you had a baby

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